Vitamin D3-deficiency – studies have shown the effects of

Table of contents

  • Vitamin D deficiency leads to numerous diseases
  • Sunscreen prevents Vitamin D production
  • Tips for Vitamin D – supply

Vitamin D deficiency leads to numerous diseases

Almost every cell in the body relies on the optimal control of their intracellular processes on the Vitamin D, therefore it also fulfills countless tasks in the body. The diversity of its tasks shows that a lack of Vitamin D can lead to various health problems.

When the body for the production of Vitamin D is dependent on sun light, it is clear that the sun will affect the lack of light, many of the cells of the body, and therefore many organs in their function.

This explains the variety of possible diseases that can be caused by a Vitamin D deficiency.

Sunscreen prevents Vitamin D production

The biggest Problem in this context is that today, more and more people are staying hardly in the Free and if, then, the skin is protected with sun creams, so that the important UVB can rays lead to the skin.

Add to that the ubiquitous artificial light, the many people are the whole day exposed to. This light can stimulate Vitamin D3 production in the body. To illustrate the need for adequate exposure to the sun, once again, we want to show you the possible serious consequences of a Vitamin D3 deficiency on the basis of 9 different diseases and conditions hereinafter referred to as the show.

Tips for Vitamin D – supply

A Check of your Vitamin D levels you can consult your doctor Vera. Almost every practice is connected to a lab that can do this special investigation. Since the statutory health insurance funds assume the costs of this investigation, you need to wear them. It is useful to have the measurement in the fall and in the spring. So you can see if your Vitamin D supplies are insufficient for the sun-poor Winter, and whether they could hold out until the spring of your Vitamin D level. Let only the simple 25-OH Vitamin D to determine. This is the above-described Cacidiol – a precursor of the active Vitamin D3.

In the holiday time at the seaside or in the mountains, you don’t have to, of course, that the sun burns your skin. Especially the skin of light-skinned people is at risk. For these skin types, a short sun stay (about 10 minutes) enough to Vitamin D to boost production.

After that, the sun should be used with an appropriate sun protection factor. All other skin types can stay longer (about 30 to 45 minutes) in the sun unprotected. After that, you should, however, also apply cream. Generally speaking, the midday sun is avoided.

If you visit in the winter months to raise your Vitamin D levels and sun Studio, you should lodging be sure to sun Bank questions, the UVB-radiation. The usual UVA light can stimulate the Vitamin D production.

You should be actually not possible to optimize your Vitamin D levels via the sun light, we recommend the daily intake of Vitamin D3 as a dietary Supplement.

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