Food trends in the Test

What is fasting to Gluten-danger, Superfood-Hype or interval is it? We make the Check

Healthy trend: fresh-cut Kräuter to a salad or main dish

Baking with beans, süßwith Stevia, lose weight with ginger water, läViking life with chillies. Almost täpossible new tips on the subject of healthy Ern&auml make;introduction the round. But what are the Trends also hold what they promise? "In General, professional societies such as the German society für Ernäintroduction to behalten&quot this;, Professor Peter Stehle, Ern&auml says;introduction scientists from the Universität Bonn. The society stüsupported on scientific study results, and not on the individual experiences of individual Food-Gurus, or the advertising Slogans of the food industry.

The steep career of the coffee

However, täscience, too, is disappointed sometimes. With the time köcan yourself well-informed recommendations convert – occasionally, even into the opposite.  An Example: Coffee.

Years ago, the popular was pick-me-up a bad name. According to former studies – location, the Hei&szlig withdrew;getränk the Köthe body of water that flooded him substances with carcinogenic content, ließ the blood pressure to rise. However, according to new studies evaluated the reputation of the coffee. "Today he is regarded not only as a largely harmless, but also as a Antioxidanzienquelle", Professor Udo Rabast, a Board member of the German Academy f&uuml says;r Ernäintroduction medicine.

In addition, the Qualit&auml was;t of the studies increased. "In contrast to frürun you üabout the decades, and schließup to 500 000 test persons." So ließen better Schlüsse. In the Following schäa support expert, what Trends are reliable.

Intermittent Fasting

Eight hours of food is allowed, 16 hours fasted &ndash is; this is the current Decreasing Trend. Studies have shown that this interval improved fast, the health, and that subjects lose weight. However, long-term effects and possible side-effects are yet unknown. It is also unclear whether a day of fasting per week güconvenient impact of fasting as a month interval. Fixed: people with pre-existing conditions that need medication, should the doctor klären, whether the Maßtaking für you is.

Only three meals

How many times a day should I eat ideally? The gäcommon recommendation is this: in the morning, at lunch, in the evening, nothing in between. "Everyone can ­­hand, as he mag", says Stehle. But: "The hämore often you eat, the größit is a Chance to eat too much." Today, it was particularly difficult for the Üto keep an overview, because of the quasi-üeverywhere and around the clock food verfüis available.


Chia seeds, Goji berries, Acai berries: the food from the other side of the world are hip. Rabast rät for caution when individual ingredients are highly praised. "The value of the gesundheitsfördernden effect lässt is not a food." So far, no study has documented the extraordinary effects of Superfoods. Often stuck in local products äsimilar Inhalts­substances. So Chia can by flax seed to replace it.

Fünf Hände full

Gemüse and fruit gehören natüof course to a healthy Ernäcurrency. But how much is ideal? Three Hände full Gemüse and two Häthe beaches are full of fruit per day. Then erhält Köbody enough vitamins and fiber. The importance of regelmäßto linings ig through all the varieties and not to nibble just a salad, says Stehle. "He is nänamely 98 per cent water, and thus provides not so many vitamins, as some people suspected."


The term is für is a weight loss programme, in which we take in less carbs and dafür more fats and proteins. Studies were able to show that you tatsäthe take pounds to lose. Why the method works? "Who is just fat and Eiweiß
eating, dispensed with one of the three Hauptnänutrients and not the same amount of energy zuf&uuml can;hear how three Hauptnährstoffen", so Rabast. Mostly, the success was
but not of duration. "I see the Problem is not in losing weight, but while Keeping the achieved ­Weight." Many slimming willing fäit llt difficult for your Ernäcurrency behaviour in the long term switching to Low Carb.

Meat waiver

Turkey and Hühnchen are not the Problem. But who täresembled red meat or sausage to eat, has expert Rabast, according to a 10 to 20 percent erhöreported an increased risk, früto die. The German society für Ernäcurrency rät: per week, 300 to 600 grams of meat. Especially Salami and ham should rarely end up on the plate. In processed meat products, salt is often. The pressure of the blood in the HöHey.

Gefädangerous Gluten

Gluten damages the Köbody not – provided that you do not suffer from Zöliakie or a Gluten­sensitivität. Who is not, however, voluntarily, has health drawbacks. The reports amerika­niche researchers in the British Medical Journal. Because then, you eat no whole grain products. And the contained fiber föpromote digestion and schüthe heart will appreciate.

Intuitive Eating

Instead of following strict rules, and calories to zämiss, it goes to the Wohlfümiss and the getting to Know the own Köbody. This does not mean, however, ­each Gelüst to give in. On the contrary, should the Köbody watch and find out: when I really hungry? How am I doing after dinner? I am müde or can I start? "Slimming länot sst. Maybe it helps to halten&quot the weight;, so Rabast. Who weiß, what is good for, and his Ernäintroduction versatile and varied, can Ern&auml to many other;currency tips without.


Like an Emperor to frühstücover, recommended früthe people’s mouth. Also, science has come to the conclusion: The first meal of the day is important. Children, like adults, köcan concentrate better, suffer less from Ümountain guy. This, among other things, U.S. researchers reported on "Experimental Biology 2018" in San Diego. Who has yogurt with oatmeal and fruit in the stomach, is less anfäcompletely für Heißhunger attacks while Bäsugar on the way to work.

Nänutrient deficiency: Who is affected?

"Who is a balanced and vielfävalid ernährt and any chronic disease suffers, probably has no Nährstoffmangel", erklärt Professor Christian Sina, head of the Institute für Ernäintroduction medicine in Lübeck. Who in the Winter of less than half an hour täpossible draußen aufhält, has a er­höreported an increased risk für, a Vitamin-D deficiency. Before you grab the tablets, the Vitamin-D-­The mirror, however, the family doctor überprüfen. Many people with chronic entzüultimate diseases suffer from Nänutrient deficiency. Whether a ErgäSupplement with appropriate PräPat is useful, the doctor decides. Also Pregnant and lactating have a erhöelevated demand.

Symptoms of a Nänutrient deficiency "Plöaddition occurring night blindness, brü- language Nägel, failure of the end of hair or poor wound healing köcan ­Signs sein", Sina says. A möalignment deficiency should.then the house doctor abkl&auml…ren.

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