Stress and change in the weather: Every third person suffers from headache

Record heat, humid air, abrupt temperature drop, currently the weather is in this country a lot. Many remember the physically, According to a DAK-survey every third person suffers from in this country under regular headaches.

In this case, twelve percent of the complaints at least once a week, two percent of it on a daily basis. Completely headache-free, 36 percent of respondents. 40 percent of the Affected as the reason weather changes. Is more commonly called, with 48 percent of Stress, as the chart from Statista shows. Liquid and lack of sleep or poor sleep are for pressure, throbbing, or Pulling in the head responsible.

Four percent of keep a headache just

The most popular measures are, however, 58 percent of the respondents for the pain, followed by fresh air (55 percent) and getting enough sleep (47 percent). Only four percent of the company nothing for the pain.