Federal Minister of family Affairs Franziska Giffey has called for a measles vaccination. “The state needs to act when the risk to endanger in kindergartens, schools and other institutions, fellow human beings, is not different get a handle on,” said Giffey.
It is not only the responsibility of each Individual for himself and his children, but also to the responsibility for other people, continued the SPD-politician. A Impfflicht not a frivolous decision whether to introduce, however, “” but must be the result of a “careful consideration”.
Support for the introduction of a measles vaccination President Frank Ulrich Montgomery was the last of the Doctors. In the Federal Ministry of health, talks about compulsory vaccination of children against measles is underway. The Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) in day-care centres and schools makes sense.
Measles can lead to inflammation of the brain
A compulsory vaccination was discussed in Germany already repeatedly, especially after the regional measles outbreaks. On the occasion of the current debate, an increased occurrence of measles cases, including in the area of Hildesheim.
The world health organization (WHO) had declared the rejection of vaccinations recently to one of the ten largest global health threats, because the medically possible eradication of measles will be prevented by the in the industrialized countries, widespread refusal of vaccination. Measles are extremely contagious and potentially deadly. In addition to the acute disease may occur as a late consequence of inflammation of the brain.
In many rich industrialized States Anti-vaccination movement is spreading. Their followers spread in Online networks, the medically untenable assertion that there is a connection between measles vaccinations and autism. The development threatens to undo successes in the fight for the eradication of measles to be undone.
You can read the SPIEGEL cover story: Why Germany needs a vaccination.