Never again carry boxes and the battle with the Deposit machines – so the promise of water bubbler vendors such as SodaStream is. We provide you with current water bubbler models with a good price-performance ratio and will tell you whether self-gesprudeltes water expects to see at all.
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The German brand SodaStream brings since 1994 nationwide, more than two million households to Gush. In addition to other kitchen success stories, such as Tupperware and Thermomix has become SodaStream long been a status symbol of German households. Meanwhile, more and more water pushing bubbler Alternatives on the market. Providers such as MySodapop, Aarke or Levivo try to gain a foothold – but the market leader, however, with different models in different price regions.
The principle behind SodaStream, which is offered in three model variants Easy (RRP: 99,90 euros), Crystal 2.0 (UVP: 159,90 euros) and Power (UVP: 199,90 Euro), is easy to explain: A PET or glass bottle is filled with tap water and in the water bubbler is fixed. By Actuation of a push button, the water is a replaceable CO2 cylinder, carbonic acid added to complete the sparkling water. A cylinder extends to approximately 60 liters of sparkling water, which is equivalent to seven crates of Water. Instead of lugging cumbersome to the beverage dealer, or pawn machine back, can be replaced the spent cartridge in numerous shops (Aldi, Edeka, Kaufland, Rossmann, DM, Rewe and others) for the price of 6 to 8 Euro for a new one.
Various SodaStream models in the range
SodaStream Crystal 2.0 carafe with glass
For 99,- Euro at MediaMarkt
SodaStream Power with PE-bottle
For 149,- Euro on eBay
SodaStream Easy with PET bottle
For 49,99 Euro in Lidl
Soda Test: Different models in the cost-check
SodaStream In a direct comparison of various water bubbler provider falls to that SodaStream Alternatives, such as MySodapop, Aarke or Levivo rather under the Radar by comparison portals fall. A Aarke Carbonator II water bubbler, for example, has the same functions, there are also the cheapest SodaStream Easy model, but is priced far beyond this. Also the chic Design of the sodastream is made of chromed stainless steel is not eye-deceiving.
Elegant Design and fully automated bubble power you get at an affordable price with the Power model from the Platzhirsch SodaStream. The highlight of this model, the electrical function, and with three defined bubble is in addition to the high-quality design with stainless steel applications the strengths. With the electric SodaStream Power saves you the manual dosage and not lose CO2 for the beverage is needed. In the scope of supply of acid the cylinder is included in addition to the bubbler, and a carbon in addition a stylish 1-litre PET bottle in a stainless steel finish. In the case of a switch to SodaStream Power, it must be noted that the water bubbler is only with PET/PEN bottles compatible. In addition, a power supply connection is needed for Operation. A SodaStream manual all models here. SodaStream Power on eBay buy
Who can do without full auto, and the environment would like to move in the middle price segment of the SodaStream row. When buying a Crystal 2.0 soda stream you can make an active contribution to the protection of the environment, as environmentally-harmful plastic bottles is completely unnecessary. From the chic glass decanters, of which at MediaMarkt equal to 3 are included, tastes like the water a lot fresher, since glass takes no taste. A small fly in the ointment is that the volume with 600 milliliters, is less than in the case of the PET bottles. A big advantage over the two other SodaStream models, the built-in SodaStream stainless steel holder, which also serves the basin as a water collecting, on the other hand is supposed to go in the Bubble, once something next to it. However, this can happen only if the glass bottle is filled too full or not properly fixed. SodaStream Crystal 2.0 view at MediaMarkt
The cheapest SodaStream model of the market leader convinced with expediency, instead of a fancy Design. The processing is, despite the plastic casing is absolutely solid. In addition, the water bubbler convinces with easy handling. Thanks to a practical claws clasp the fiddly Screwing in of the 1 Liter not Pet-bottle and it can be immediately losgesprudelt. The intensity of the bubbling water to be determined: Who likes it bubbled strongly suppressed any longer, if you prefer a medium or very slightly shorter. You are looking for a reliable drinking water bubbler and not decorative items, so the cheap SodaStream Easy model everything correctly. Soda stream Easy to watch at Lidl
Time-saving tip: to save on SodaStream purchase money in the long term
The purchase of a SodaStream not only saves time and facilitation, but in the long term save money. Whether money can be saved depends, of course, on what brand the traditional sparkling water sale date has been set, and how high is the cost for the SodaStream model costs. An enormous savings potential, especially if the previous brand of mineral water from Gerolsteiner & Co. has used and now on the SodaStream Easy changing.
Here are the result of overview: CHIP
The following account is based on The German nutrition society recommended daily beverage needs for a family of four (two adults at the age of 45 years, two children 8 and 15 years) is 5.3 litres per day – the equivalent of 1,935 litres a year. The three SodaStream models to go with your purchase price, the SodaStream-Webshop, as well as 31 CO2 exchange cylinders à 8 Euro per year into the race, since you already have a CO2 cylinder on Board. In doing so, we assume that a cylinder actually makes 60 liters of tap water in sparkling water. Because of the negligible cost of a litre of tap water, they stay outside. For the two bubble-competitors of Aldi-Süd, in turn, we use for the calculation only the current selling price per litre.