9 Vegan Foods That Are High In Calcium

Bok choy

Calcium: 79mg per ½ cup

The crisp white or green stems of bok choy actually remain crisp when cooked and, with the dark green leaves, are rich in calcium, vitamin C and antioxidants. Bok choy is perfect in Asian recipes, and baby varieties grow fast and are great for sautéing whole.

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Beet greens

Calcium: 82mg per ½ cup (cooked)

Beets are better known for their dense, flavourful roots, but their leaves are also delicious and even more nutritious, packing plenty of calcium, phytonutrients and a compound called betaine, which helps support healthy blood circulation.

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Calcium: 82mg per 30g

Perfect to snack on, almonds are rich in protein, healthy oils, B vitamins and minerals like calcium. Oil-roasted almonds contain the most calcium; raw, honey-roasted and dry-roasted contain almost as much. Toss sliced almonds on salads or throw into rice dishes.

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Pinto beans

Calcium: 86mg per ½ cup (cooked)

These speckled brown-and-tan beans are a staple of Tex-Mex cooking and a good source of protein (especially combined with corn, rice, wheat, or other grains), folate, fibre and many minerals including calcium. Serve them stewed or refried.

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Calcium: 90mg per ½ cup (cooked)

This curly cabbage cousin remains a good choice for adding calcium, antioxidants and vitamins to your diet. If you tire of eating it sautéed and added to smoothies, try using it in soups or make a kale-topped bruschetta for an interesting change of pace.

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Black-eyed peas

Calcium: 106mg calcium per ½ cup (cooked)

Freshly shelled black-eyed peas are a tasty vegetable in their own right. If you’re lucky enough to find them in your local market or grow them in your garden, try them simmered with carrots, celery, onion and garlic until tender.

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Calcium: 123mg per ½ cup (cooked)

Frozen or cooked fresh leaves are just as nutritious and have a much nicer texture than the canned variety. Toss lightly cooked spinach into a pasta salad (leave out the cheese or use a vegan substitute). 

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Calcium: 131mg per ½ cup (cooked) 

These beauties are soybeans that are picked while still green and tender. Boil the beans in the pods, sprinkle with sea salt and serve as a snack. 

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Calcium: 861mg per ½ cup

Tofu is made from soybeans, which are naturally high in calcium, and it gets an extra kick from the gypsum (aka calcium sulfate) that’s used to change the milky cooked soybean liquid into chewy curds. The more water that gets pressed out of the curds, the firmer the tofu is and the more calcium it contains per cup. So, firm tofu packs an astonishing amount of calcium, regular tofu about half that, and soft or silken tofu about a quarter as much.

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