Many people forgo dairy because they are in a Unverträurgent milk-sugar suspect that lactose intolerance – often this is not true at all
Drink milk or not? Some people are confused whether it does you good
Purely a matter of taste – this is the milk längst not more. Wäduring the day you kö life;humans, respect other to ensure that no drop is lost on your plate or in your Cup. Milk seems to be discredited. She was in Europe for centuries as the elixir of life, Yes even as a remedy für kränkliche children and adults, it is controversial today.
In a variety of health problems hören Affected quickly the advice is to do without milk. Extreme opponents of animal life by means of are even it is üassured, this begüother allergies, heart problems, Ümountain guy, Übersäuerung, joint pain or acne. Even of cancer the speech is to suffer sometimes.
Milk products are booming
The number of people für the normal dairy products are not eligible, wäfirst, – this is the impression that also in the supermarket. Lactose-free Alternatives fücases where the Kühltheken. Right next to the H-milk, soy-, oat-, almond – or rice milk is now almost always.
Consumer organisations expect that, in the meantime, every third household in Germany buys the products as a "laktosefrei" characterized are. At the same time, Verbraucherschü criticize;backers that with this Label, even food can be advertised, which naturally contain hardly any milk sugar, for example, Hartkäse. Not a few consumers wüauthorities dafür unnötig money to spend. As the company für consumer research, GfK found in a survey, around 80 percent of the people who buy lactose-free products, üin General, no Milchzuckerunverträof urgency.
Unverträof urgency, let the doctor determine
The sugar in milk, lactose, is only für those people a Proproblem, where a specific enzyme is missing: the so-called lactase. This can split lactose. In people with a lactase deficiency, you arrive in the large intestine. There it is fermented by bacteria, it produces gases. The Consequences: Blähungen, diarrhea, Kräspasms.
Whether such symptoms tatsäthe take a lactose intolerance, you can see the doctor using a breath test. Für Affected, it is important to lactose to ernähren. However, a vollstäincomplete waiver is in the rule itself für it is not necessary, small amounts of sugar are under Umstäbe tolerated. How much, exactly, the müthe patient shot individually für find out.
Globally, milk drinkers are a minority. Most of the people in Säuglingsage enough of the enzyme lactase, später it is produced, there is a intolerance. So it is at about 75 percent of all adults. However, in the case of the NordeuropäRen: Nine out of ten verfügene, thanks to a gene mutation, even as adults, üabout enough lactase and köcan milk easy to digest.
Milk does not cause pimples
But even without diagnosed Unverträurgency is of some of the Benefits of the milk’s resignation üassured. About skin diseases. In 2016, a study, a mö appeared in the journal of the American dermatologists Association;glink between milk consumption and acne in teenagers. The authors konnonly für low-fat dairy a weak note fü find;r whole milk no.
"So far, there is no study that hä shown;tte, that a single food skin problems such as acne auslösen würde", Professor Ulf Darsow, senior physician of the clinic fü says;r dermatology and Allergology at Biederstein in MüMunich.
Food conversion to suspicion?
Nevertheless, he has it häto do frequently with anxious patients their Ernämanagement want to change: "Many have skin food diseases first suspected." Time it was sugar, then chocolate oder Wheat. "Often müyou must, however, determine that a waiver is not the erwüselect the desired effect hat", so the dermatologist.
Another serious allegation, the milk opponent: The animal product fördere tumors. Tatsätake the Ernä plays;introduction with the emergence of various types of cancer have a role. The World Cancer Research Fund, a Non-Profit organization that lists the results of the study. A begründeter is suspected, for example, für meat and meat products. Both begüsupports intestinal and stomach cancer. Erdrüshots, the onus is with alcohol. He fösupported seven out of the 18 cancer types.
Milk lowers probably the risk of colon cancer
Milk is regarded as probably risk-reducing in the case of colorectal cancer. "This Einschägame fußon the combination of many großhe Ernäintroduction studies – that is why they are so belastbar", erläexplained Dr. Tilman Kühn, head of the Association of Ernäintroduction epidemiology at the cancer research center in Heidelberg. Only in the case of prostate cancer, a high milk seems to be consumption a erhöelevated risk to be associated. Here, the researchers see a mögof connection with the calcium contained in milk.
Bezüpossible Diabetes milk consumption is also rather güinexpensive
Other diseases are also groß could;e-studies prove more of a positive than a negative effect of milk. The Max-Rubner-Institute in Karlsruhe, for example, came after an analysis in 2014 to the conclusion that milk consumption and type 2 Diabetes is more of a schüprotecting effect. In the case of cardiovascular disease, the current research looks ä stand;similar.
However, as verhäit’s lt with the jülongest Charge of the milk-skeptics: the Statement, über of so-called Micro-RNA, so the smallest genome-Bruchstücke, könne of milk of Kühen the Aktivität of our genome verächange?
Fear of Micro-RNA unbegründ
Researchers at the Technical Universität MüMunich have been working since Läthe increase of because the function of the Micro-RNA to entschlüencrypt. Probably in Kälbern on the first day of life, Micro-RNA from the milk through the intestines into the blood. A process that für the späfurther development of the Kälbchens and his immune system a crucial role to play, erklärt Michael Pfaffl, Professor at the chair für Tierphysiology and immunology. "The human Köthe body, however, does not take up Micro-RNA from the milk of virtually pure RNA Moleküle be decomposed in the intestine." The panic-mongering because of Micro-RNA in milk was therefore unbegründ.
Natüof course köcould milk Verweiobjectors to grab as an alternative to soy, oat or almond milk. A Micro-RNA-free Alternative that doesn’t, however, stresses the expert Pfaffl: "All of the food from the natural that come from plants or animals that contain these ingredients." The man is so läViking exposed. A lot of läViking, as the dispute over the milk lasts.
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