US porn actress raw heart to eat-shaped Steak for Valentine’s day: This is quite normal for me

There are meat Fans, meat lovers, and Wendy Marshall. The porn actress and rapper from Ocala in the US state of Florida is celebrating Valentine’s day with an unusual action: The 21-Year-old eats a huge, heart-shaped Steak – and the raw.

“I eat raw meat, since I’m two years old. This is quite normal for me. The result is that I am full and satisfied and the people disgusted.” – Wendy Marshall

Marshall post the Video on your Facebook page. However, the consumption of raw meat is not safe. It can be contaminated by bacteria such as E. coli, Salmonella, worms, or viruses such as Hepatitis E. Most of the bacteria die if the meat is fried at high heat. It is true: Not every bizarre Video should be copied from the network.