'I Lost 195 Lbs. By Incorporating OMAD Dieting Into My Routine And Weighing My Food'

My name is Amanda Piotrowski (@alwaystryingamanda), and I am 30 years old. I live in Florence, Kentucky, and am a general manager at a restaurant. I set a New Year’s resolution to lose weight and improve my health, and I’ve lost 195 pounds.

It was always a struggle for me to lose weight. I tried over and over again with no substantial success. I love food, and I love junk food even more. At my heaviest weight I was 387 pounds.

My weight also impacted my health. I had high blood pressure that I needed medicine for. I was also previously diagnosed with uterine cancer and was told my weight could have played a part in that as well.

But it wasn’t until January 2, 2018, when I was 27 years old, that I finally made a change that stuck.


As a New Year’s resolution that year, I set out to lose weight. But this time was different.

I knew that it had to be if I wanted to change. So every time I would plateau, I just kept going. I used to give up when that happened. But sticking with it and trusting the process lead me to where I’m at.

I lost most of my weight with calorie counting, and I also incorporate intermittent fasting and a one-meal-a-day (OMAD) style of eating. I really love fasting and how it feels. I had previously tried keto, low-carb, and other high-protein/low-fat diet variations. I believe any way of eating can work as long as you make the best choices for you, physically and mentally.

It’s important to note that OMAD is an intense form of intermittent fasting, so you should speak with a doctor or dietitian before trying it for yourself to make sure it’s right for you. There are also lots of other forms of fasting diets, some of which are less strict. You have to figure out what’s best for *your* mind and body. This is just what works for me!


An OMAD meal might look like this for me:

  • Chicken with two to three sides of veggies, like zucchini and sweet potato
  • Lean turkey meat and salsa wrapped in low-carb tortillas
  • Air-popped popcorn
  • Fruit
  • Some kind of sweet treat like a protein bar or a frozen fruit bar

I started working out a month into my journey.

I didn’t start working out right away. Adding too many changes into my life overwhelmed me. So while I worked on my food plan, I slowly added workouts in.

Now I work out between five and six days a week. I tend to stick with cardio, but have recently included weights. I love just getting lost in my thoughts and crushing it in the gym.


These three changes helped me see the most noticeable results in my weight loss.

  • Change one: I gave myself forgiveness. If I have a more indulgent day food-wise, I have learned that it’s okay and one day will not undo all the work, no matter how much you believe it. Get back to it the next day and things will be just fine. I used to have a bad day and let it turn into a bad week, then a bad two months. There is no reason to be so worried with food. Life is about enjoying things, and not allowing yourself to enjoy leads to a dark place. And I don’t want to live there!


  • Change two: I worked out even if I didn’t feel like it. I don’t want to work out all the time, but I know it will make me feel better and it will help me achieve the goals that I have for myself. If I didn’t do all the things I didn’t want to do, I’d still be 387 pounds. I have had to push myself past that point and do it anyway, and I’m almost always in a better mood and feel better because I accomplished something.
  • Change three: I spent time learning about food and nutrition. I’m not saying I eat the best, but I’m happy with my choices. I weigh all of my food.It really opens your eyes when you see how much a tablespoon of something is.


I lost 195 pounds in 20 months and have been maintaining for the last nine months.

My journey wasn’t easy. No one’s is! It’s hard. You’ll wonder if it’s worth it. You’ll wonder if you can do it. And you can! You can do anything you want to. You just have to try. That’s all I’ve been doing.

If I get stuck, I try something else. But I never give up. I never stop trying. I cried too many times hating my body and not being grateful, and that was exhausting. This is the only body we have, so we have to take care of it.


My weight loss has changed my life so much. Sure, it’s easier to find clothes and I feel better about how I look. But the number one thing is that I’m happy—like *actually* happy. I feel clear-headed. I feel more energetic. And I let down my walls and just let myself be weird.

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