Table of contents
- What probiotic food?
- What are the benefits of Fermentation?
- Better taste and longer shelf life
- More easily digested, better tolerated
- Protection against pesticides and heavy metals
- Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect
- Protection from chronic health complaints
- Less carbs, less calories
What probiotic food?
Probiotic food products food products, the strains with specific probiotic bacteria (lactic acid bacteria, or specific yeast fungi) was added and then fermented. In the case of the Fermentation of the food contained carbohydrates by the bacteria to be metabolized. In the process, lactic acid and carbon dioxide.
What are the benefits of Fermentation?
The Fermentation of food has many benefits – both from a health point of view as well as from taste and practical point of view:
Better taste and longer shelf life
The fermented food does not taste well only refreshingly tart, it is made by the Fermentation is also more durable. Because of the low pH-value as well as the presence of lactic acid bacteria (and often salt) discourages putrefactive bacteria and fungi.
More easily digested, better tolerated
Also, probiotic foods are often regarded as significantly healthier than the original unfermented variant. On the one hand, the Fermentation makes the food better tolerated (to the fiber content to be easier digestible), on the other hand, the probiotic strains of bacteria have, of course, also beneficial to the intestinal health and strengthen the immune system.
Protection against pesticides and heavy metals
Lactic acid bacteria prevent, moreover, that pesticides and heavy metals through the skin of the intestinal mucosa into the blood circulation, and thus protect the respective people in front of a corresponding load.
Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effect
Probiotic bacteria seem also anti-oxidant as well as anti-inflammatory and stabilize the intestinal mucous membrane (to protect before the Leaky gut syndrome).
Protection from chronic health complaints
Another health benefit of probiotic bacteria strains is that these have a positive impact on blood pressure, cholesterol levels and, more generally, on chronic diseases, which are caused by the intestine (for example, allergies, eczema, or autoimmune diseases).
Less carbs, less calories
Most food during the Fermentation, lower in calories and, of course, carbohydrate poorer, because the carbohydrates are degraded. In comparison to fresh white cabbage, for example, has 25 kcal and 4 g of carbohydrates, contains Sauerkraut, only 11 kcal and 0.5 g carbohydrates – of course, depending on the fermentation duration.
Can probiotic foods side effects?
Sometimes, it can lead to diarrhea, no side effects on health or risks of probiotic foods are known. You begin – if you are not used to fermented foods, with small amounts.
Who should not take probiotic food?
However, there are people who should avoid probiotic foods better, such as histamine intolerant because the fermentation process increases the histamine content of the food enormously, so that you can cause for sensitive people to the typical symptoms of histamine intolerance, such as diarrhea, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, skin redness, a runny nose and puffy eyes.
What probiotic food?
Ferment, you can food basically almost every, whether it’s alcohol, juices, bread, sausage, meat, milk, cheese, Butter, cereals, fish, fruit or vegetables. Therefore, many people practice, in the meantime, the Ferment as a Hobby and ferment all kinds of food, in order to make them more digestible and healthier.
We present below the most known traditional probiotic foods and explain how you can make it on its own – where this is possible. Since we propagate the vegan way of life, you will find only vegetable probiotic food, so no milk kefir, and no conventional yogurt:
Water kefir
The water kefir can be made with water, juice, or coconut water. To this is added sugar and the typical Kefir starter culture (probiotic yeast, fungi and bacteria). After completion of the Fermentation, a sparkling and refreshing beverage with a probiotic effect.
How to make water kefir yourself and what you should pay attention to this, we explain in our article about the properties and effects of the Wasserkefirs.
Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish that is usually made from fermented white cabbage and Sauerkraut reminds. However, it can also be processed Cabbage, carrots, or radishes, or even different vegetables are mixed together. How to make Kimchi, we declare in our Kimchi recipe.
Kombucha fermented black tea, is fermented with the help of probiotic yeast, e.g., Saccharomyces ludwigii, Saccharomyces apiculatus and Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker’s yeast).
Cow’s milk or other animal milk is for the manufacture of yogurt is not necessary, if you want to benefit from the probiotic properties and benefits of a yogurt. Because it is less important to the milk rather than the probiotic cultures.
For almond yogurt, for example, in a self-made almond milk, the usual yogurt cultures and produces in this way a purely plant-based but highly probiotic yogurt. How you can make the almond yogurt itself, we declare in our almond yogurt recipe.
For the Miso to ferment for two or three years of barley (or other cereals), soy beans and salt. Finally, a brown emerges strong, spicy Paste, which can be used for soups, sauces and Dressings or as a seasoning for any food, like the typical miso flavor.
The most well-known fermented vegetables and probiotic foods is probably the Sauerkraut. It develops when it is mixed finely chopped cabbage with salt, and so strong stomps, that the discharge of liquid and the vegetables will finally be covered by the liquid.
During a period of one to several weeks, the cabbage is fermented mostly alone, thanks to the lactic acid bacteria, which are present in the air or already naturally on the cabbage have been found. A starter culture is not so absolutely necessary. As you can of Sauerkraut manufacture, we declare in our Sauerkraut recipe.
Fermented fruits and vegetables
Of course you can ferment just cabbage, but other vegetables (e.g., carrots, celery, parsnips), and even fruits, such as plums, apricots, Mango, pineapple or peaches. You get all of this makes the effects and properties of the included probiotic strains of bacteria, e.g. Lactobacillus plantarum, L. pentosus, L. brevis, L. acidophilus, L. fermentum, and many other more.
Bread drink
The bread, drink is from the company pot, in trade and in health food stores and health food stores available. It is prepared from water and whole grain sourdough bread. The naturally in the bread lactic acid bacteria and yeasts to ferment the bread. The result is a sour liquid, like vinegar as a condiment or also diluted with water as a probiotic can be taken.
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