For years, these foods were on a steady incline in popularity throughout the United States. But over the past decade, more and more new options have hit the shelves, causing a decline in these old-time favorites. Here are all the foods Americans haven’t been eating as much.
Plus, check out page 13 to see the most popular food in the country.
Sit-down breakfast
Bacon, eggs, pancakes, toast, coffee, and orange juice | Fudio/iStock/Getty Images
Gone are the days of waking up and going downstairs to make yourself a hot-off-the-stove breakfast. Americans are swapping breakfast time for either more time sleeping, a longer commute, or more time at the office. According to The Daily Meal, more than half of Americans skip breakfast at least once per week. Americans are trading in the sit-down breakfast for an on-the-go cereal bar or skipping it altogether and grabbing a cup of coffee.
Next: These are a big part of breakfast that we don’t see much anymore.
Breakfast juices
Orange juice | canovass/iStock/Getty Images
Orange juice, a popular breakfast-time drink, has been falling out of favor with Americans for years. According to Quartz, it has actually begun hurting Brazilian farmers, from where about half of the world’s orange juice comes. Americans have become wary of high sugar content in fruit juices. That, combined with the on-the-go breakfast mentality that inhibits Americans from sitting down at the breakfast table, has led to a decline in orange juice sales.
Next: This canned food was once a big hit, but not anymore.
Canned tuna
Tuna | RightOne/iStock/Getty Images
In 2013, canned seafood sales fell to their lowest level in 15 years. Tuna, the most popular variety of canned seafood, was no exception. Overall tuna consumption dropped by nearly 30 percent in that time, The Washington Post reported. Tuna’s toxicity (its higher-than-average mercury content) has led people to stray from the popular canned fish. Plus, Americans crave the freshest food possible nowadays, and canned tuna just doesn’t cut it.
Next: Yogurt replaced this once-popular snack option.
Cottage cheese
Cottage cheese | YelenaYemchuk/iStock/Getty Images
Yogurt has slowly taken the place of cottage cheese. Since cottage cheese had its peak in the 1970s, its popularity has declined by nearly 50%. And yogurt has increased sevenfold since the 1970s, according to npr.org. There was nothing attributed to the switch. Yogurt has slowly been gaining speed for a while, especially with variations such as Greek yogurt, and Americans just seem to prefer one over the other.
Next: Allergies have caused a decline in this.
Peanut butter
Peanut butter | Julia_Sudnitskaya/iStock/Getty Images
Peanut allergies are far more talked about today than they used to be. As a result, many schools have implemented regulations on peanut butter in children’s school lunches. Parents are now trying peanut butter alternatives instead. Almond butter and sunflower butter have become popular alternatives to making the classic peanut butter and jelly.
Next: This unpopular veggie is finally leaving people’s plates.
Brussels sprouts
Uncooked Brussels sprouts | GwylanAnna/iStock/Getty Images
Brussels sprouts are one of the most disliked foods in America. And with so many healthy vegetable trends and alternatives today, Americans are cutting back on their Brussels sprouts intake. Why continue to eat something you hate when there are healthy alternatives out there? They’re high in fiber and Vitamin K, but so is broccoli.
Next: This is another very-hated veggie.
Lima beans
Succotash with lima beans | Bhofack2/iStock/Getty Images
Lima beans are right up there with Brussels sprouts as one of the foods most hated by Americans. And with other healthy alternatives, they’ve been on the decline. Americans as a whole hate this vegetable, so much so that it actually has a national holiday to respect it: National Lima Bean Respect Day, which is April 20. Those who love them often get defensive about them, and recently, they’ve become even more unpopular.
Next: These were once a staple in households.
Frozen dinners
Frozen meal | hillwoman2/iStock/Getty Images
Frozen meals peaked in popularity in the 1950s and 1960s, when “TV dinners” were the best way to get the family to spend time together. But recently, frozen meals have been on a steady decline. That’s because the meals are often very unhealthy, and Americans are no longer looking for unhealthy. The frozen food industry has made efforts to bring more wholesome, nutritious ingredients into the food, but it’s to-be-determined on whether we’ll ever see another frozen food uptick.
Next: This type of meat is not well-liked anymore.
Red meat
Meat | sergeyryzhov/iStock/Getty Images
The New York Times reported that between 2005 and 2014, Americans cut their beef consumption by 19%. The National Resources Defense Council found that leafy greens were consumed in much higher quantities than meat. Some think the reason could be environmental. When cattle are raised, greenhouse gases are produced. Less red meat consumption essentially means saving the environment.
Next: It’s easy to believe this sugary drink has gone downhill in popularity.
A cup of soda | naikon/iStock/Getty Images
It comes as no surprise that soda has been on the decline in the United States. Fortune reported that in 2015, soda sales fell to a 30-year low. Consumers are seeking healthier options, leaving soda in the dust because of its high sugar content. Artificial sweeteners have made people more skeptical of diet sodas, which saw the largest decline.
Next: This food might have been the highlight of your childhood, but it’s less popular now.
Ice cream
A tub of ice cream | archanglmr/iStock/Getty Images
Ice cream consumption declined by about 10% from 2005 to 2014, according to dairyfoods.com. Along with that, ice cream production has been dropping; about 87.8 million fewer gallons of ice cream were produced in 2014 compared to 2005. The decline can be attributed to the growing health concern about dairy among Americans. Plus, the frozen yogurt wave has given ice cream a run for its money.
Next: This dairy product has also been steadily declining.
Whole milk
A girl drinks milk. | iStock.com/karelnoppe
Alternatives to milk are another ever-increasing trend. And with so many on the market (soy milk, almond milk, etc.), it’s no surprise that classic whole milk has seen a decline. Plus, some studies have suggested that too much dairy can lead to certain cancers. This gives Americans another reason to swap it out for something else.
Next: Surprisingly, this appears to be America’s favorite food.
Mozzarella cheese
A man eats pizza. | Nyul/iStock/Getty Images
Surprisingly, Americans still love their mozzarella cheese despite the decline in other dairy products. According to Time, mozzarella is the cheese most frequently consumed by Americans, with about 11.5 pounds consumed per person per year. That could be because pizza is a classic American favorite. Cheddar follows behind mozzarella, with 9.4 pounds consumed.
Next: This meat is far more popular than red meat.
Raw chicken | Bit245/iStock/Getty Images
According to Time, chicken is still America’s favorite meat. While red meat has been declining, Americans are still consuming a lot of chicken. It is more available than beef, which is why we eat more of it. But it also hasn’t been at the center of health and environmental controversies the way beef has. Plus, beef can be hard to digest, so for those with weaker stomachs, chicken is preferred.
Next: America absolutely loves this vegetable.
Potatoes | YelenaYemchuk/iStock/Getty Images
Americans love any kind of potato. From baked potatoes to French fries to potato chips, potatoes are by far the most consumed starchy vegetable in the U.S. Surprisingly, Americans consume just about as many frozen potatoes as they do fresh. Following behind potatoes in human consumption are tomatoes, then onions.
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