“This is the party house. Everyone comes here to hang out.”
Russell Dickerson reaches into a fridge drawer and pulls out lemons and limes—the stuff of cocktails. “For margaritas,” he says. “For the mojitos,” he continues. “For the classy folk,” he clarifies.
But he’s blocking the door. And behind Dickerson, we see it. We see the Chick-fil-A sauce. We see the frozen chicken nuggets. This ain’t no fancy cocktail party.
Men’s Health caught up with Dickerson down in Nashville. He walked us through his diet and exercise regimen, which only includes Chick-fil-A sauce and nuggets at 2AM on cheat nights, he swears to God.
Unless he’s cooking scrambled eggs, breakfast for Dickerson usually means some kind of protein packet and a coffee. For lunch, Dickerson does Mediterranean: chicken, pickled onions, corn, avocado. Dinner? Oh boy, that’s steak time—a Ribeye from Whole Foods. (His method: sous vide.)
On the road, things are different, calorically more dangerous.
“In country music, we’re playing fairs, we’re out there,” Dickerson says. “And so everybody, everywhere, will say, ‘We got the best daggone barbeque you’ve ever had.’ So day after day it’s pulled pork, ribs, brisket, mac and cheese, potatoes—all that stuff.”
Dickerson can’t do that every daggone day. He packs MegaFit Meals, frozen microwaveable meals. He even eats them when he’s home.
Dickerson’s workouts also have to be quick and efficient. With 1-year-old crawling around the house, Dickerson has about 25-30 minutes to get in his workout before Dad duties.
Workouts utilize dumbbells, jump ropes, and medicine balls. And . . . an axe.
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