In her much anticipated cover story for Vogue‘s September issue, Beyonce canvassed a range of topics: her family's ancestry in the marriage of a slave and a slave owner, her traumatic childbirth, her relationship with Jay Z.
And, unexpectedly, her "FUPA".
Reflecting on her body after giving birth to twins, the singer said that, although she had rushed to lose weight after the birth of her daughter Blue Ivy, now 6, so that she could commence a tour, she has decided to be more relaxed in her approach after giving birth to twins Rumi and Sir in June 2017.
"I have a little mommy pouch, and I'm in no rush to get rid of it," the singer said. "I think it's real. Whenever I'm ready to get a six-pack, I will go into beast zone and work my ass off until I have it. But right now, my little FUPA and I feel like we are meant to be."
Her FUPA. Beyonce's little FUPA.
The term receives no definition in the piece. There are some context clues, sure. (Apologies if you thought, in the vein of the "finsta" aka fake Instagram account, a "fupa" was some sort of fake Bupa account, made to hide how much your spend on naturopathy from your scientist spouse.) But it does just dangle there. Clearly, if you do not know, you do not know.
Well, if you do, in fact, not know, please see this definition from Urban Dictionary.
"Fat Upper Pussy/Penis Area. Most commonly pronounced foopa, is a multi-functional word to describe a person of larger stature, with a more pronounced or 'padded' upper genital region."
Other Internet sources have described the acronym more politely as "Fat Upper Pubic Area", just in case your grandmother asks. And, before Beyonce's love of the FUPA emerged, most mentions of the region online appear to have been preceded by the words "how to get rid of your"; another invented body part for women to dislike.
Rumour has it Beyonce was given “unprecedented control” of this year’s September issue, which – often exceeding 800 pages – is Vogue's largest and most lucrative issue each year. Did this mean she was able to overrule the sub-editors who would have surely been aching to put a little explanatory bracket after the term?
Predictably, the "FUPA" has become one of the most buzzy things to come from the magazine (out on August 21), which was shot by 23-year-old Tyler Mitchell, the first person of colour to photograph a cover for US Vogue.
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