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Whether the brain tumour begins in the meninges, cranial nerves or pineal gland, it’s the DNA mutations that enable cells to divide uncontrollably. Here are the warning signs.
The Mayo Clinic explained mutated DNA instructs the cells to grow and divide; they become cancerous as they continue to grow, amassing into a tumour.
Unlike healthy cells, these cells don’t die so the growth gets bigger and bigger.
There are various types of primary brain cancers – when the disease begins in the brain.
For example, medulloblastomas start in the lower back part of the brain and tend to spread through the spinal fluid.
Signs of a brain tumour include visual impairments, such as blurred vision, double vision or loss of peripheral vision.
Other symptoms may be a new onset of headaches or headaches that differ from what you usually feel.
A person with a brain tumour may get headaches that increase in frequency and severity.
There may be unexplained nausea or vomiting, balance difficulties or speech troubles.
Some people could experience a gradual loss of sensation or movement in an arm or leg.
And confusion may be apparent in everyday matters, alongside personality or behavioural changes.
It’s particularly alarming if somebody begins to suffer from seizures when they have no history of the condition.
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If any of these signs become persistent, it’s highly recommended to seek medical advice.
It’s more common for secondary brain cancers to occur, which means another type of cancer – for example, lung cancer – has spread to the brain.
In secondary brain cancers, the cancer could have spread from anywhere in the body but the most common types include:
- Breast cancer
- Colon cancer
- Kidney cancer
- Melanoma
- Kidney cancer
Cancer Research UK explained the kidneys filters waste products out of the blood and makes urine.
The two bean-shaped organs – about the same size as a fist – sit near the middle of your back, on either side of the spine.
This disease reportedly affects around 13,100 people in the UK each year.
The most telling sign of kidney disease is blood in the urine, which can come and go.
Another symptom of the condition is a lump or swelling in the area of your kidneys.
Other vague clues include weight loss, loss of appetite, tiredness, or a high temperature and very heavy sweating.
There may also be pain in your back on one side (below the ribs) that doesn’t go away.
Risks for developing kidney disease include smoking, being overweight, high blood pressure and diabetes.
In order to reduce your risk of kidney cancer it would make sense to lose weight (if needed), to not smoke, keep diabetes under control (if appropriate) and reduce blood pressure.
Lower blood pressure can be achieved by taking part in daily exercise that raises your heart rate.
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