CMAJ practice article: E-cigarettes: Five things to know

A practice article about e-cigarettes provides a quick reference on the use of these electronic nicotine delivery systems published in CMAJ (Canadian Medical Association Journal):

1.E-cigarette use is increasing in Canada, especially among young people. The use of e-cigarettes by youth aged 16-17 years increased from 29% in 2017 to 37% in 2018.

2.Use is strongly associated with starting, and continuing, cigarette smoking. Evidence indicates that nonsmokers aged 14-30 years who try e-cigarettes have a threefold increase in starting cigarettes.

3.E-cigarettes are an additional smoking cessation tool.

4.These devices are unregulated with potentially dangerous effects on health. Long-term health risks are unknown, and recent cases indicate serious pulmonary effects can occur.

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