The Coronavirus pandemic keeps Germany and the world in suspense: Around 3.7 million people have, until now, with the novel Virus-causative agent of Sars-CoV-2 infected – 165.992 of them in Germany.
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Corona-the outbreak in Zwickau clinic, Two patients died
Top news (12.00 PM): At the Heinrich-Braun-Klinikum (HBK) in Zwickau after an outbreak of the Coronavirus, 16 people became ill and two of them died. As the hospital announced on Thursday, were infected nine patients and seven staff on the ward for kidney diseases. In two patients there had been a severe course of the disease, that they died of the consequences. Both of these people have had multiple pre-existing conditions.
For the Nephrology Station, a recording was imposed to stop. In addition, the affected Station was cordoned off and security measures in accordance with the Covid-19 insulation station has been equipped, according to the CBC.
The starting point is the information that a patient was discharged symptom-free. This had been tested in the aftermath of outpatients positive for the Virus in Sars-CoV-2. In addition, the clinic at 2. May have been informed. Then all the patients and staff of the Station had been tested. The infected employees, four nurses, a doctor, a physiotherapist, as well as a cleaning force, according to HBK. All are in domestic quarantine.
The seven positively tested patients were transferred to the Covid-19-isolation ward, said the hospital. All would show a mild course of the disease. The non-infected patients according to the previous Station. Re-testing for both the patient as well as the employees are to follow in the coming days. Nachbehandelnde practices of dialysis patients belonging to the risk group, had been informed.
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According to Reporter question to Armin, Markus Söder will Laschet suddenly Bucky
FOCUS Online/Wochit According to Reporter question to Armin Laschet, Markus Söder, suddenly, Bucky
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