Due to infection with dangerous bacteria, the manufacturer “Deutsche milchkontor GmbH will call back” together with “Fude Serrahn dairy products” a lot of stores in large German disco-selling milk brands. Are affected, among other things, Aldi, Lidl, Edeka, Kaufland and Netto.
During a routine control in some batches of reduced fat milk germs of the type bacterium Aermonoas hydrophila/caviae has been found. Affected are only those products with a health mark DE NW 508 EC at the following retailers. Other minimum shelf life data (listed below) or with the same sled, but other identity mark, are not affected.
Meanwhile, the manufacturer is informed that a defective seal resulted in a production plant to the contaminated milk.
All the information about the recall can be read in our News-Ticker.
Milk contaminated by bacteria! Aldi, Lidl, Edeka, Kaufland, Netto start callback
FOCUS Online/Wochit milk contaminated by bacteria! Aldi, Lidl, Edeka, Kaufland, Netto start callback