Physical activity can offset the health risks of too much Sitting
It’s long been known that prolonged Sitting makes you ill. Scientific research has shown that we die earlier. However, physical activity can offset the health risks of too long a sitting. This short sport units are enough, as researchers now have found out.
Sick by too much Sitting
Sitting is often referred to as “the new Smoking”. It makes you sick and reducing our life expectancy. However, according to experts, it is unclear whether the Sitting or the lack of physical activity causes damage to your health. For a long time was also unclear the extent to which physical activities of moderate-to-vigorous intensity – Routine activities such as brisk walking to work, as well as Sport and exercise – this risk could be offset. Australian researchers have engaged in a study of this question. Your answer is likely to reassure many office workers in the world.
Physical activity, particularly for a lot of sedentary people important
In a new study by the University of Sydney the relationship between prolonged Sitting and premature death, and cardiovascular diseases has been studied and estimated, which could compensate for moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, the health risk of sitting.
As the Australian new Zealand higher education / Institut Ranke-Heinemann in a communication reported-that have created the scientists of a statistical model in which they compared over a period of nine years, the physical activity of nearly 150,000 study participants, aged 45 years, with data from the mortality register.
The core message of the “Journal of the American College of Cardiology” published a study is that physical activity is especially important for people who sit a lot.
To sit less, while not a good place to start, but: the most important lifestyle Change for people would be to look daily after the movement, or to create this.
Already 20-40 minutes a day enough
The replacement of Seats by physical activity – but not – through; the risk of Mortality among people who sit more than six hours of the day, the first author of the study, Professor Emmanuel Stamatakis from the University of Sydney reducing.
“In our study, Sitting time spent was in the least physically active groups consistent with the General premature mortality as well as cardiovascular diseases with a fatal outcome – so for those people, less than 150 minutes of physical activity moderate-to-vigorous intensity per week of exercise,“ says Professor Stamatakis said in a statement.
“For example, people who were physically inactive and more than eight hours a day sitting had a 107 percent higher risk of cardiovascular death as those with at least one hour of physical activity, and less than four hours of sitting,” explains the scientist.
“An hour of physical activity a day, it is not even necessary.”
According to the researchers, physical activity units that correspond to the current recommendations of at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity or 75 minutes of strong intensity, the influence of sitting on the cardiovascular and overall mortality risk to be reduced or even eliminated completely.
“Compliance with the recommendation of the Australian health authorities, from 150 to 300 minutes per week – this corresponds to an average of about 20-40 minutes a day – the health seems to eliminate the risk of sitting already,“ says Stamatakis.
Movement when you come out of breath
Also, previous scientific studies had shown that regular physical activity significantly more life-time and that the health benefits through Sport for years to stop.
The current study conducted in cooperation with the Norwegian School of Sports Sciences, the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and the UK’s Loughborough University has been of the Australian science.
Professor Stamatakis, according to the results, both for health experts and health personnel, as well as for people who sit much, such as, for example, office workers and others with sedentary work to be useful.
“Any Form of movement is good for health, but physical activity of moderate-to-vigorous intensity – so an activity that people from of breath brings – is the most efficient, the most effective and time“, the author of the study.
“Sports and training sessions are a great way to be active, but not the only Option – fast walking, stair climbing and Cycling to get from place to place, are just a few of the many ways that everyday life offers, to move around, and sometimes even a little out of breath.“ (ad)