During a quick scroll of your social feeds, what do you see? We’re willing to bet there’ll be a bit of beach yoga action (guilty!), a smoothie bowl or two and a gym selfie of sorts. But something you won’t swipe past everyday? An honest look at the body of a new mum – postpartum stretch marks and all.
Unless, of course, you follow Chrissy Teigen, queen of cutting through social stereotypes and general crap, and forever confronting the realities of motherhood.
It’s not out of the ordinary for Teigen to share insight into life as a mum of two (remember when she popped a pic of her medical mesh underwear on Insta?), however this time she touched on a subject the WH team are pretty passionate about: Body confidence.
In a video posted on Twitter, the star shared a close-up of her postpartum stretch marks, saying: “Guess these aren’t gonna go away. This is my new body.”
She continued with a series of Tweets voicing her insecurities with her ‘mom bod’ and postpartum stretch marks: “Instagram is crazy. I think it’s awesome people have killer bodies and are proud to show them off (I really do!!) but I know how hard it can be to forget what (for lack of a better word) regular ol’ bodies look like when everyone looks bonkers amazing.”
Anyone else nodding in agreement?
We’re all for self-love and body confidence, however pressure – from social channels or otherwise – to feel 100% confident in oneself 100% of the time can be completely (and unnecessarily) overwhelming.
If you ask us, it’s okay not to have badass levels of body confidence 24/7. We’re all works-in-progress, and Teigen is no different.
“’I don’t really call [sharing a video of postpartum stretch marks] ‘body confidence’ because I’m not quite there yet. I’m still super insecure. I’m just happy that I can make anyone else out there feel better about themselves!”
Three cheers for Teigen. Hip hip…
This article originally appeared on Women’s Health UK
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