New research: Junk food may be responsible for food allergies
Most people don’t realize that consumption of Junk food such as hamburgers, French fries and co. is healthy. But it seems that such foods are still harmful to health than previously thought. Because according to new research, Junk food could also be made for food allergies be responsible.
More and more people suffer from a food Allergy
Food allergies are on the increase for many years. According to estimates by the German Allergy and asthma Federation (DAAB) are affected in Germany alone, around six million people. The consequences can be dramatic. “Allergic reactions to food are not limited to certain organs. You can shortly after eating may occur up to 72 hours later,“ writes the DAAB on his website. In addition to reactions on the skin, the mucous membranes and the respiratory tract may tract, including discomfort in the stomach-intestine as well as in the cardiovascular System. In extreme cases, such allergies can have life-threatening consequences. Partly responsible for the increase in food allergies could be the widespread consumption of fast food.

Connection between the consumption of Junk food and food allergies
On the 52. Annual meeting of the European Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) were presented new research results that show a connection between the consumption of Junk food and food allergies.
As in the magazine “EurekAlert!” is reported, it is clear from the study that higher concentrations of so-called “advanced glycation end products” (Advanced Glycation End Products, AGEs), which are found in Junk food in Abundance, are associated with food allergies in children.
To reach their conclusions, observed researchers at the University of Naples, “Federico II”, three groups of children between the ages of six and twelve years (a total of 61 children): food Allergy and respiratory Allergy and healthy control subjects.
The study found a significant correlation between the subcutaneous concentrations of AGEs and the consumption of Junk Food.
In addition, it was found that in children with food allergies the subcutaneous levels of AGEs were higher than in children with respiratory allergies or without allergies.
In addition, the research team found compelling evidence for the mechanism of action caused by AGEs for the determination of food allergies.
Consumption of highly processed foods has increased dramatically
AGEs are proteins or lipids that are glykiert after exposure to sugar and heavily in Junk-Food – are included; from sugar, processed foods, microwave cooked foods, and roasted or grilled meat.
It is already known that AGEs play a role in the development and progression of various diseases such as Diabetes, arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), and neurological disorders.
But this is the first Time that an Association between AGEs and food allergies was found.
As it says in the magazine, although there are no reliable statistics on the global prevalence of food allergies, but there is increasing evidence to suggest that the spread is increasing, especially in young children. In some countries, the incidence is up to ten percent.
In addition, it is known that in the last few decades, the consumption of highly processed foods (which are known to contain a higher proportion of AGEs) has dramatically increased.
In European countries, such foods account for up to 50 percent of the total amount of daily energy intake.
Better prevention and treatment
“Previous hypotheses and models of food Allergy to explain the dramatic rise in food allergies in recent years inadequate,” commented the principal investigator, Roberto Berni Canani.
“Therefore, dietary AGEs could be the missing link. Our study supports this hypothesis, no doubt. We must now perform further tests to confirm it,“ said the expert.
“If this relationship is confirmed, this will strengthen the arguments of national governments, to improve interventions in the field of public health, the consumption of Junk Food in children is to limit.”
Isabel Proaño of the EFA (European Federation of Allergy and Airways Diseases Patients‘ Associations) added:
“These new findings show that there are still many environmental and nutritional problems that affect our health and well-being.”
But: “health professionals and patients do not have all of the important information, with a disease that will impact dramatically on their quality of life.”
According to the scientist, the industrial food processing and labelling does not help gaps also.
“We are calling on the health authorities to enable better prevention and treatment for people with food allergies,” says Proaño. (ad)