Based on the most recent World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines, experts consider a healthy sperm count to be 15 million per ml, or at least 39 million per ejaculate.
Doctors consider a sperm count under 15 million per ml to be low, and it may cause fertility issues.
Overall, health professionals believe that factors that influence testosterone levels have the most significant impact on sperm number and quality.
Whether you have just decided that you are ready to try to conceive, or you have been trying for a long time, you may be concerned about how to make sperm stronger for pregnancy and how to increase sperm count to boost the odds of conception.
How to improve sperm health
“Increased scrotal temperature can hamper sperm production,” warns the Mayo Clinic.
The health site added: “Although the benefits have not been fully proved, wearing loose-fitting underwear, reducing sitting, avoiding saunas and hot tubs, and limiting scrotum exposure to warm objects, such as a laptop, might enhance sperm quality.”
Other ways to improve sperm quality include:
- Don't smoke
- Limit alcohol
- Avoid lubricants during sex
- Eat antioxidant-rich foods
- Have frequent sex
- Eat more greens
- Talk to a health care provider about medications
- Watch out for toxins
Research has found that abstaining from sex could potentially help improve sperm health.
One study published in the International Journal of Women’s Health and Reproduction Sciences found that sperm motility, morphology and production could benefit from periods of abstinence lasting between three and eight days.
Alternatively, many experts believe having more sex could have an added benefit of better sperm quality.
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Having regular sex clears sperm from the testicles and prevents the natural build-up of DNA damage, according to an Australian study.
They said that would-be fathers should copulate once a day for a week before their partner is ready to conceive.
Whether more or less sex, food and diet will always remain the key factors when it comes to better overall sperm quality, says experts.
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