Magnesium makes you slim

Table of contents

  • Magnesium deficiency makes you fat
  • Magnesium deficiency leads to Binges
  • Magnesium deficiency inhibits the digestion of fat
  • Magnesium deficiency blocks the fat loss
  • Magnesium to insulin resistance and Diabetes
  • Magnesium deficiency increases stress vulnerability
  • Magnesium blocks Fattening genes
  • Magnesium supply to optimize
  • Magnesium in food
  • Magnesium in the Sango sea coral
  • Magnesium supplements – you can Find for the right one!

Magnesium deficiency makes you fat

You know the highly interesting book of the cardiologist, Dr. med. William Davis? It’s called “Wheat Belly: lose the Wheat, lose the Weight, and find your Path back to Health” (the German edition is in January, 2013, under the title “Weizenwampe: Why wheat is thick and sick” ). Of course, wheat can make you fat and sick.

An important reason why wheat makes you fat and sick, Dr. Davis, however, forget to mention: wheat, among other things, that is why fat and sick, because the preferred consumption of wheat white flour products as staple foods to a chronic lack of magnesium. Magnesium deficiency prevents weight loss. It is with magnesium deficiency are getting fatter and sicker.

Dr. Carolyn Dean in her book, The Magnesium Miracle , the important correlations between magnesium deficiency and Obesity are described:

Magnesium deficiency leads to Binges

If the body minerals that are not because these are in the today, preferably consumed industrially processed food available, then he often developed an eating addiction with compulsive Eating. Both just a simple Request to the mineral expressed, however, in some cases, materials such as Magnesium.

So you should eat more of this processed food, more empty calories, you will accumulate more and more extra pounds, but their need for nutrients does not continue to satisfy. If then diets and slimming cures, which are often only magnesiumarm, then here is the devil is driven out with Beelzebub.

However, this is only the beginning. Magnesium deficiency has far-reaching consequences – not only for your body weight, but also for the entire metabolism.

Magnesium deficiency inhibits the digestion of fat

Magnesium and the vitamins of the B complex work closely together in order to control the digestion, absorption and utilization of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. You do this by activating specific enzymes. Magnesium is missing or the path is just too little of this mineral substance is present, then the faulty processing of food. As a result, different symptoms can develop. To blood sugar fluctuations, which can sooner or later lead to Obesity in the first place – as described Below.

Magnesium deficiency blocks the fat loss

Magnesium is an indispensable “foreman” of insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas to get the sugar from food (Glucose) in the cells of the body, in order for the Glucose to supply energy can be used. Without Magnesium, however, Insulin cannot open the cell and, consequently, of the Glucose to the cell.

We then say that the cells are no longer insulin resistant, because your response to Insulin and no Glucose more. You don’t do that but often only because there is simply too little Magnesium is available.

As a result, more Insulin is distributed in the hope that, in the meantime, high blood sugar level but still break down to Glucose in the cells of the body transport. The insulin level rises. Insulin has the property to inhibit fat loss and promote the storage of fat within the fat cells. This means that a frequently elevated insulin levels can make you fat.

The high blood sugar level ensures that the excessive Glucose that can’t get to energy combustion in the cells, now converted into fat and stored in the fat cells will be moved. Both insulin resistance as well as high blood sugar levels are also all serious harbingers of type 2 Diabetes.

A permanently elevated blood sugar levels can cause vessels in the body, damage to the nerves and the blood tissue. The risk for heart disease increases. For tissue repair, in turn, Magnesium is needed. But none or little is present, because his Absence was the reason of this chain reaction.

Magnesium to insulin resistance and Diabetes

One of the reasons why the cells no longer respond to Insulin, so it can be a lack of Magnesium. People with chronic insulin resistance, therefore, is often a serious magnesium deficiency. The higher the values of Magnesium in the body increase, the greater the sensitivity is to grow the cells to Insulin and the likelihood that the Problem can be reversed.

The following is again a summary of a magnesium deficiency triggered a reaction chain:

Magnesium deficiency increases stress vulnerability

Stress can also result in the presence of magnesium deficiency to Obesity. Apart from the fact that some people tend to Stress about stuff indiscriminately for food, the stress hormone Cortisol that weight loss is nearly impossible – especially when the Stress becomes a chronic condition. The body stores fat under the influence of Cortisol, particularly in the abdominal area, which in turn increases the hazards described above. Since Magnesium can reduce the susceptibility to Stress, the Mineral at the very beginning of the reaction chain, and protects the organism against stress-induced Obesity.

Magnesium blocks Fattening genes

After the Fattening genes were discovered, many people believe, Obesity is hereditary and they could not do anything about it. This view of things is very convenient, because you can lead in this way to continue his bad dick up your habits, while his genes for Obesity responsible.

Animal experiments have shown, however, that only such mice which received only inadequate B-vitamins, the genes have been activated for obesity and the animals, as a result, overweight. However, if they were adequately supplied with B vitamins, they stayed lean and were at it again.

The Fattening genes are activated only in the presence of a defect, so that each could have on the Expression of some genes and also the Fattening genes– quite a degree of influence. B-vitamins can only participate then actively in the Metabolism, when Magnesium is present. Without Magnesium, the B vitamins are helpless, and thus the gene expression can be only with the help of Magnesium influenced.

Conclusion: Magnesium helps the gene expression of Obesity genes prevent. This means that if sufficient Magnesium is present, then the possibly existing fattening genes are not activated and to stay slim and it can be done with ease, even if you have Thick genes.

Magnesium supply to optimize

If you are Overweight, the optimization of the magnesium supply is in addition to a change of diet to a surplus base diet of extraordinary importance. Here are three ways you can cover your Magnesium in a healthy way.

Magnesium in food

Magnesium food Amaranth, Quinoa, seaweed, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, almonds are rich in, for example, dried fruit (the best dried, e.g., dried bananas), green leafy vegetables and legumes (also in the Form of sprouts). Make sure these foods regularly in your diet.

Read also: magnesium deficiency with the right food how to fix

Magnesium in the Sango sea coral

The supply of Magnesium can be optimized also with the help of high-quality food supplements. The Sango marine coral, which has an ideal Calcium-Magnesium ratio of 2 : 1, so that both of the minerals from the body can be used and reused. In addition, the Sango marine coral contains not only Calcium and Magnesium, but also about 70 other minerals and trace elements, so that we can speak of a holistic dietary Supplement.

When buying, make sure the Sango sea coral, it coral to the Sea, and not the less useful land coral. Here you can read more about the Sango marine coral.

Take the magnesium daily dose should not at once, but they distribute doses this on several items, since the organism can absorb only a part of it and the amount absorbed is the lower, the more Magnesium you take in one dose.

Magnesium supplements – you can Find for the right one!

In our article “Magnesium for sale – The best preparations,” we have eight different magnesium compounds and their properties, so that you can then the best magnesium Supplement to choose.

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