More self-pay services for high earners

More than every fourth statutory health insurance (29 percent) was offered in the last twelve months, a private performance, a so-called Individual health services (IGeL),. Also the income and education of the patient played a role. This is evidenced by the survey conducted by the Scientific Institute of the AOK (WIdO).

Striking is the strong connection between the offer for an additional service, as well as the income and education of the patients, according to WIdO. The monthly household income of the respondents was below 2,000 euros, only 21.6 percent were addressed by your doctor on a hedgehog. In the case of an Insured with a household income of over 4,000 euros, there were 35.4 percent. The representative survey of 2018, more than 2,000 occupied by the statutory health insured persons from 18 years. "Obviously not, it plays only a role, such as medically relevant Doctors consider it a performance, but also the economic possibilities of the patient einschätzen", so Zok.

Approximately three out of four hedgehog-Offerings (72 percent) come from specialist physicians. The leader is the wife of the doctors are around 28 percent of private medical services. After that, eye doctors follow, with a share of 22 percent, orthopedic surgeons (13 percent), skin doctors (6 percent) and urologists (3 percent). Practical Physicians and General practitioners combined account for 19 percent.

Not all offers are so recommended, such as travel vaccinations. Overall, most of the WIdO offered-analyses, according to ultrasound studies (26.9%), mostly for the early detection of cancer in women. There are, according to the Institute for the Use of the ultrasound examination of the ovaries no note.
