The Coronavirus pandemic, keeps the world in breath: More than 5 million people globally have become infected with the novel Sars-CoV-2 – 178.190 of them so far in Germany.
"New York Times" reminded on the title page, in particular, to Corona-Dead
While the United States, the brand of 100,000 Corona-approach the dead, the "New York Times" (NYT) on Sunday on its front page the names of 1000 of the deceased is remembered. "The 1000 people here reflect only one percent of the deaths, none of them was just a Zahl", the sheet of paper, wrote a short introduction on the title page, which consisted entirely of Text."
"I wanted something, look at the people even in a hundred years back, in order to understand the extent to which we have just durchleben", " said;NYT"-Head Of Department Marc Lacey.
The USA are by far the most difficult of the pandemic in the country concerned. Until Saturday night, 1.6 million of the Corona were registered infections and more than 97,000 deaths. The mark of 100,000 deaths is likely to be reached in the coming days.
At the same time, the U.S. Federal States are currently taking the first loosening of the Corona-restrictions. President Donald Trump, the hopes for his re-election in November, is pushing in the face of massive work place losses in the crisis, a further Opening of the country. "Transition to Großartigkeit", tweeted at Trump on Saturday night, his Slogan for the back-up of the country.
Many commentators, however, referred to the discrepancy between the high number of victims and the Tweet of the President. George Conway, a Trump-critic and husband of the Trump consultant Kelly Anne Conway, announced on Twitter on Saturday, the "NYT"-The title page shows a photo, the Trump in the game of Golf.
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