The Corona-pandemic keeps the world in suspense: More than 17 million people have been infected with the Coronavirus, 210.724 of them in Germany. The United States reported almost daily new record numbers. The latest news on Corona-crisis in Germany, Europe and the world read in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.
Corona-News from Germany and around the world – the top stories: 758 Re-Infected in Germany (20.14 hours), and Numerous Infected to the summer festival in Wiesbaden (06.10 am), the Chinese celebrate, in spite of Corona "Oktoberfest" (06.13 PM)
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Head of the teachers ‘ Union summons: rule the school as before, the Corona is "Illusion"
08.30 PM: "It is not a comprehensive, full-fledged mainstream school ceiling type operation, such as in front of Corona. This Illusion goes to the account of the policy, which is something than can be realized, which könnte" even with consistently low infection happen not to be implemented;: The Udo Beckmann, the head of the Association of education (VBE) said the "Welt" in a recent Interview. Beckmann, that there had been already before the Corona is a shortages of Teachers in German schools. The pandemic had further exacerbated the Situation, as around five to 15 per cent of the teachers belonged to the risk group and, therefore, were missing.
Unclear ", according to the expert also; as a normalized operation of the school can operate, taking into account the real conditions and to soll" be taught, the extent to which, for example, with a thinning of the curriculum or a limited range of childcare services;. The Expansion of the digitisation of schools for Beckmann, as yet, not apparent. In addition, a mask is mandatory in the classroom is not rich according to the head of the VBE, in order to prevent contagion in the classroom.
Rather, you need ventilation concepts, filter systems and had to think about the protection by Plexiglas disks. Beckmann calls: "All the mind games of politics must be based on the reality and the available resources. There is a clear Framework with sufficient action needs a game room for the school management on the spot."
Lambrecht argues against the prohibition of Corona-Demos from
08.04 PM: Federal Minister of justice, Christine Lambrecht (SPD) has in the discussion of the mass violations of the Corona-rules for the Berlin rally on the weekend against a ban on such events in favour of it. "I think it’s very important that demonstrations can take place and people there, their opinion, even to the current Corona-policy of the Federal government, freely and publicly können" Express;, Lambrecht said on Monday the "Spiegel". dpa/Wolfgang Kumm/dpa , Christine Lambrecht.
"However, it is disturbing and not acceptable, if deliberately and provocatively against the existing Corona protection regulations wird" failed;, added the Minister. Will violate rules and regulations, would have to be set in the regulations of the local authorities consistently. This was "regardless of what is the goal of each Demonstration hat".Also Berlin’s interior Senator Andreas hostage (SPD) spoke out against the bans. Fundamental rights should only be limited be limited, and with good justification, he said the "Spiegel". "In Berlin, all of the Corona are traffic lights on Green. As new bans are difficult to justify."
The Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of the interior and the SPD state leader Roger Lewentz rejected also any interference with the freedom of Assembly. "We have sufficient funds, disperse meetings, which run from the rudder. An aggravation is not absolutely notwendig", he told the magazine. "Freedom of Assembly is a great Good. Also, with such incidents as in Berlin, the democracy must be able to handle."
Due to school closures: UN warn of "Disaster for the whole Generation"
07.46 PM: As the news Agency "Reuters" reported, warn the United Nations with a view to the current school closures in front of a "Disaster for a whole Generation". It should be a top priority to bring the students back into the classroom, as UN Secretary-General, Antonio Guterres. In nearly 160 countries, the schools had been closed in July, at least 40 million children have failed the pre-school.
"Now we are faced with a disaster for a whole Generation, by the immense human potential wasted, decades of progress könnten" be exacerbated, undermining and deep-rooted inequalities;, Guterres said at the opening of the UN campaign "Save our Future". Therefore, you must open the schools again as soon as possible, and parents, carers, teachers and young people to advise them accordingly.
TOP NEWS: Chinese celebrate despite Corona "Oktoberfest"
06.13 PM: In China seems to be the Corona pandemic largely under control. The East China city of Qingdao, it is now benefiting, where is the largest beer festival in the country schedule has begun. Up to the 23. August want to the organisers as every year, hundreds of thousands of visitors to the site in the Eastern Chinese province of Shandong curls.
The organizers call the beer festival of Qingdao as "China’s Oktoberfest". However, the visitor numbers are still far from the Munich Original. About six million people annually flock to the Oktoberfest. This year, the Munich-based Festival was cancelled, however, due to the Coronavirus. AFP Chinese celebrate the Qingdao Beer Festival
At the beer festival in Qingdao, special rules should apply. Visitors must wear when Entering the terrain masks, also the temperature is measured and a registration is required. Employees will need to be weekly to make a Corona Test.
A negative impact on the interest of the visitors, the measures do not seem to have: How state media reported, came at the start of the beer festival even more guests than last year.
China has already been listed for months, not a big wave of Infection more. However, it was the last one back to smaller, local outbreaks in various parts of the country, which is usually responds with severe measures. In addition to the city of Dalian, the Region of Xinjiang in the far West of the country, as well as the Hong Kong special administrative region is currently struggling with outbreaks.
TOP NEWS: a number of Infected after a private summer festival in Wiesbaden
Tuesday, 4. August, 6.10 PM: A private summer party with at least 100 participants, according to the city of Wiesbaden for an increase in Corona cases in the state capital of Hesse taken care of. The affected guests were determined to a large extent, already tested and some quarantined, informed the Hessian city on Monday. So far, 18 positive cases were reported, other test results are yet to come. "In this example, we see again that the rules of sanitation and clearance rules also in the case of celebrations of enormous importance ist", Lord mayor Gert-Uwe Mende (SPD) said, according to the announcement.
The health Department needs to determine, according to the city, now all the contact persons of the Affected. The "enormous aufwendig", since the Festival is already a few days passed, and guests were driven to the part in the holiday. "In these cases, the health authorities of other regions were informed to close all the gaps." Also will check whether the organizers have had a coherent concept of Hygiene, and this was correctly implemented.
Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.
- Baden-Württemberg: 37.317 (1847 Deaths)
- Bavaria: 51.063 (2620 Deaths)
- Berlin: 9327 (223 Deaths)
- Brandenburg: 3592 (173 Deaths)
- Bremen: 1784 (56 Deaths)
- Hamburg: 5435 (231 Deaths)
- Hesse: 12.117 (520 Deaths)
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 877 (20 Deaths)
- Lower Saxony: 14.524 (653 Deaths)
- North Rhine-Westphalia: 49.145 (1739 Deaths)
- Rhineland-Palatinate: 7535 (239 Deaths)
- Saarland: 2851 (174 Deaths)
- Saxony: 5539 (224 Deaths)
- Saxony-Anhalt: 2024 (64 Deaths)
- Schleswig-Holstein: 3467 (156 Deaths)
- Thuringia: 3369 (182 Deaths)
*These provinces have reported no new case
Total (As Of 02.08.2020, 21.37 PM): 209.966 (9121 Deaths)
The Day Before (As 01.08.2020, 19.35 PM): 209.741 (9121 Deaths)
Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.
The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at around 192.900
The number of active cases is at around 7950
Currently, the RKI reported reproduction number: 1,09 (as 02.08.20)
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With the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Germany, Trump repeated the Central Obama error
FOCUS Online/Wochit With the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Germany to repeatedly Trump Central Obama error