As the summer heatwave goes on, many of us will be wanting to spend more time enjoying the sunshine.
But there are also major health risks as the weather gets hotter.
In heatstroke, the body’s ability to control its temperature fails, so it becomes dangerously overheated.
Heatstroke can occur within a matter of minutes and may lead to unconsciousness.
The affected person may become dizzy, have a headache and seem restless or confused.
Without proper treatment, heatstroke can cause damage to the brain, heart, kidneys and muscles.
Heatstroke can be very dangerous, and needs emergency treatment, so it is important to know the signs.
Symptoms of heatstroke
A precursor to heatstroke is heat exhaustion.
Heat exhaustion is less serious, and the symptoms will usually get better if the person cools down.
But if the heat exhaustion turns into heat stroke, it is an emergency and you should seek medical attention.
The NHS says that signs of heat exhaustion include:
- headache
- dizziness and confusion
- loss of appetite and feeling sick
- excessive sweating and pale, clammy skin
- cramps in the arms, legs and stomach
- fast breathing or pulse
- temperature of 38C or above
- intense thirst
The NHS warns that a person may be suffering from heatstroke if they:
- are still suffering from symptoms after 30 minutes
- have a temperature that has risen to 40C or above
- feel hot and dry
- are not sweating even though they are too hot
- have rapid or shortness of breath
- appear confused
- lose consciousness
- have a fit or seizure
- are unresponsive
If you suspect someone has heatstroke, you should phone for an ambulance.
What to do if someone has heatstroke
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How to prevent heatstroke
During the hot weather, there is a high rick of being hit by heat exhaustion and heatstoke.
Some things you can do to help prevent it are:
- drink plenty of cold drinks, especially if you are exercising
- wear light, loose clothes
- avoid going out in the sun during the hottest time of the day – 11am and 3pm
- take cool showers
- avoid drinking too much alcohol
- avoid doing extreme exercise
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