How can you support the Regeneration of the heart?
A newly discovered Protein, the cell division is influenced in the heart, could be used according to a current study may help to support heart cell Regeneration.
In the investigation of the University of Texas, it was found that a specific Protein can reduce cell division in the heart. The results of the study were published in the English journal “Nature”.
The treatment of many diseases in view
To slow down the cell division in the heart, may support heart cell Regeneration. This would offer a whole new opportunity to treat a variety of disorders in which the heart muscle is damaged, including by viruses, poisons, high blood pressure or heart attacks caused by congestive heart failure, report researchers.
Why is it so important for the heart muscle to regenerate
The current pharmaceutical treatments of heart failure (including ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers) are focused on the attempt to stop the heart muscle loss. The increased load causes damage to the heart muscle, and leads to the death of other cells. And there is currently no treatment methods to the heart muscle to rebuild.
The heart of mice regenerated itself
In a study of mice whose hearts had suffered in the first days of your life damage, noted researchers already nine years ago that the heart can regenerate, driven by the division of Cardiomyocytes, the cells responsible for the contraction force of the heart is responsible.
Ability to regenerate disappears after seven days
This ability is lost, however, at the age of seven days, an abrupt turning point, where the division of these cells slows down dramatically and the cells themselves enlarge. The reasons why cell division gradually slows down and the cells divide, eventually, remained unclear, reports the researchers.
What is the role of Meis1 in the division of heart cells?
The research group found in 2013 that a Protein, called Meis1, which falls into the category of transcription factors, which regulate the activity of genes, plays a key role in Stopping the division of heart cells. The corresponding Gene was deleted in mice, prolonged the time window of the cardiac cell division, but still only temporarily. Also, heart cells, where the Gene is missing, eventually slow down your division and stop their propagation.
Genetically modified mice have been studied
Consequently, the researchers wondered whether there are redundant mechanisms, which stop the heart cell division without Meis1. They identified a transcription factor called Hoxb13. The role of Hoxb13 in the heart to understand cells better, the researchers have genetically modified mice bred in which the Gene Hoxb13 encoded, has been removed.
Positive effects were maintained for only a short
These mice behaved similar to those in which only the Gene Meis1 has been removed. The time window for the rapid division of heart cells was increased, but ended, nevertheless, within a few weeks. When the researchers Hoxb13 ends was turned off in the hearts of adult mice, there was a short resurgence of your cell division, which was sufficient to prevent a progressive deterioration after an induced heart attack. The resurgence has not been sufficient to promote a significant recovery.
The elimination of both genes led to success
When the researchers both of the genes for Meis1 and Hoxb13 was turned off, however, seemed to return the heart cells in mice in an earlier stage of development, where they decreased in size and increased in number. After an induced heart attack, these mice showed a rapid improvement in the amount of blood that has been excreted with each beat of the heart. Her heart function had returned to normal almost, explains the research group.
The Protein Calcineurin is the solution?
There was clear evidence that Meis1 and Hoxb13 work together to stop the heart of cell division in the days after birth, the researchers, possibilities to be able to these proteins regulate. Conducted experiments suggest that a Protein called Calcineurin, which is important for the regulation of the activity of other proteins responsible, could constitute such a possibility.
There are already various on Calcineurin-targeted drugs
Since Calcineurin plays a key role in a variety of diseases and other ailments like rheumatoid Arthritis, schizophrenia, Diabetes, and organ transplants, there are already several drugs on the market aimed at this Protein.
Division of heart cells by a drug to stop
It is the view of the researchers to imagine that more drugs could be developed, aimed directly at Meis1 and Hoxb13. It could be possibly derived strategies, in order to bring the division of heart cells by a single drug or combinations of drugs again. The results of the investigation might lead in the future to one day save the lives of diseased people, so the hope of the researchers. (as)