The Coronavirus pandemic, the world will continue to be in respiratory: Significantly more than two million people worldwide are already infected with the Virus 150.012 of them in Germany. All the News about the Coronavirus-crisis you will find in the Ticker from FOCUS Online.
- The countries-Overview of the Live card to the Virus outbreak and the Covid-19 Radar facts and Figures
Macron would like to thank NRW for the treatment of Corona patients
Top news (08.20 hrs): President of The French Republic Emmanuel Macron has North Rhine-Westphalia for the treatment of French Corona-patients thanked. In a letter to the Prime Minister, Armin Laschet Macron acknowledged the "unprecedented commitment, with the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, France was in a difficult position to help them, which puts all of us on a hard test."
Writing Macrons, which is present the German press Agency, begins with the formal title of the Prime Minister and the hand-written supplementary "Cher Armin" (Dear Armin). Macron said in his letter: "The affected persons, in whom a severe course of the disease, it was found, could be in this way, the best possible medical care given." Reuters/Mathieu Cugnot/EPA POOL/AP/dpa , the President of France Emmanuel Macron wants to emerge strengthened from the crisis to come.
At the end of March, eight seriously ill patients had been moved from Metz to eat. A 76-Year-old died Monday in the University hospital, two other men were able to significantly stabilize already to return to France. More patients will continue to be supplied in food.
Drug disappoints in study: hope in the fight against Corona falls through
Top news (07.27 PM):a Possible setback in the search for a cure for novel Coronavirus: The active ingredient Remdesivir is reported in a clinical study as a means of the Virus-triggered lung disease Covid-19 failed.
According to a report by the "Financial Times" it was not possible to improve the health status of the patient. The newspaper relied on a summary of the study, which was, apparently, see Accidentally briefly on the Website of the world health organization (WHO). Therefore, Infected treated with Remdesivir were not in the clinical Test in China 158, while a control group of 79 patients received the funds.
After a month, 13.9% of the subjects, which was Remdesivir been administered were reported to have died. In the control group, it was 12.8 percent. dpa/Sebastian Gollnow/dpa/icon image A Doctor shows in a laboratory Test for the Coronavirus.
The pharmaceutical company Gilead Sciences, which developed the resources, rejected the representation of the study results in the Reports. The on the WHO Website, published contribution was a "unangemessene" Summary of the experiment. The study had been stopped due to low participation prematurely, and therefore not statistically significant. In addition, a " from the data;possible Benefits of Remdesivir" derive, in particular in patients in an early stage of the disease.
Remdesivir is considered to be one of the most promising agents in the fight against the novel Coronavirus, and is used in individual cases for the treatment of patients. In several countries clinical trials with Remdesivir take place. According to the health topics specialized Website Stat of the Mediterranean at the Corona had shown that patients in a hospital in Chicago great effect.
Maischberger faced Shortly with Ischgl, the counters with Munich-theory
FOCUS Online/Wochit Maischberger faced Shortly with Ischgl, the counters with Munich-theory
Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.
- Baden-Württemberg: 29.912 (1172 Deaths)
- Bavaria: 39.820 (1502 Deaths)
- Berlin: 5476 (112 Deaths)
- Brandenburg: 2546 (104 Deaths)
- Bremen: 708 (27 Deaths)
- Hamburg: 4511 (105 Deaths)
- Hesse: 7639 (288 Deaths)
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 659 (16 Deaths)
- Lower Saxony: 9599 (363 Deaths)
- North Rhine-Westphalia: 30.598 (1000 Deaths)
- Rhineland-Palatinate: 5722 (136 Deaths)
- Saarland: 2452 (120 Deaths)
- Saxony: 4438 (133 Deaths)
- Saxony-Anhalt: 1440 (35 Deaths)
- Schleswig-Holstein: 2530 (84 Deaths)
- Thuringia: 1962 (64 Deaths)
Total: State 23.04., 19.33 PM, 150.012 (5261 Deaths)
Stand from the day before: the state 22.04., 19.59 PM: 147.496 (5017 Deaths)
Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.
The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, around assessment income of 103,300
Currently, the RKI reported reproduction number: of 0.9 (as of 23.04.)
All further messages to the Coronavirus in the News Ticker:
- So much you have to pay now in your state, if you do not wear mask
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- Heroes in the crisis: #corona care – a action by FOCUS Online and Burda forward
- Download the song "Victoriam" now down here!
"Sounds interessant": People disinfectant spraying? Trump would like to check it
Top news (06.19 PM): US President Donald Trump, researchers are encouraged, in the fight against the Coronavirus to examine people directly disinfectants to syringes. Such a procedure would be most likely to be life-threatening. Trump said on Thursday evening (local time) in the White house, in front of journalists, it would be "interessant", to check the. Immediately previously, had declared at the press conference, a government expert, that the Bleaching and disinfectant killed the pathogen of Sars-CoV-2, for example, on dry metal surfaces such as a doorknob quickly.
"There is a way, how could we not do something by spraying or almost would be interesting to prüfen" Clean ;…, Trump said. You would have to leave, of course, the Doctors, he added. "But it sounds to me interessant", the President said further. Reuters/Alex Brandon/AP/dpa US President, Donald Trump has a Marine dependent, Iranian ships to destroy, you should check out American ships in the way.
The expert the government had also heard that the lifespan of the pathogen in the case of direct irradiation with sunlight reduced light dramatically. The Trump used to speculate on a possible Coronavirus-therapy approaches. "Suppose we treat the body with an enormous amount of either ultraviolet, or simply strong Licht", Trump said. Then he speculated further: "Suppose you could bring the light into the body, what one through the skin, or in any other way to do kann", he further said and added that the researchers wanted to examine this possibility. "This is pretty gewaltig", Trump also said.
According to experts, soap, disinfectant and bleach the Virus in the case of external application – washing when hands or Brushing – killing reliable. There is no evidence, however, to date active medication or techniques that can kill the pathogens in infected patients.
Next cruise ship is designed for Corona-stove
06.20 PM: Among the members of the crew of a Japan in the repair dock, the cruise ship will have an additional 43 people with the Coronavirus infected. As the local authorities announced in southwestern Nagasaki on Friday, are now 91 of 623 members of the crew of the Italian "Costa Atlantica" a positive effect on the pathogens tested. Passengers were not on Board the ship, which had arrived to work in January to repair there. AFP The “Costa Atlantica”
Experts had practiced in February with sharp criticism of the handling of Japan in Yokohama temporarily quarantined a cruise ship with Thousands of people on Board. The decision of the controversial quarantine arrangement on Board the "Diamond Princess" had led to the knowledge of researchers to avoided many infections with the new Coronavirus. Of the approximately 3700 passengers and crew members were infected 712, 13 people died. Meanwhile, Japan has a total of more than 13 100 infection cases and 341 Deaths, as the broadcaster NHK reported.
According to the court judgment: the Czech Republic, all output overrides restrictions from Tomorrow
22.39 PM: The Czech government has in weeks, current output limitations of reversed. This was as of Friday, said Minister of health Adam Vojtech late on Thursday evening in Prague. Since the 16th century. March allowed the citizens to work, to shopping, to the doctor or walks in parks go. Thus, the spread of the novel Coronavirus should be contained.
The minority Cabinet was responding to the latest decision of a court in Prague, which had declared the previous measures, for formal reasons, to be unlawful. "We respect this Urteil", Vojtech of the populist party ANO of the heads of government and multi-billionaire Andrej Babis said. Meetings with more than ten participants remained prohibited.
Repealed the ban for Czech citizens. After the return, you must submit a negative Test for the Coronavirus or a 14-day quarantine. The far-reaching entry stop remains, according to the Ministry of the interior, there are new exceptions for business people from EU member States.
The Cabinet also decided relief for Czech commuters working in Germany or Austria. You may now cross the border every day, if you can submit every 14 days a new current Test for the Coronavirus.
Antibody study in New York, Nearly 14 percent had Coronavirus
19.54 clock: In particularly violently from the Corona pandemic affected the U.S. state of New York have the preliminary results of a first antibody according to the study so far, about 14 percent of the people with the new Virus infected. For the study, about 3000 people shopping in 40 supermarkets in 19 counties were selected randomly, and antibodies have been tested, said Andrew Cuomo, Governor of the state on the US East coast, with around 19 million inhabitants, on Thursday during his daily press conference.
In 13.9 percent of those Tested in the state of New York, and even around 20 percent of the Tested in the homonymous metropolis of antibodies were found, they were so infected with the Virus, even if you have never had the disease symptoms. This could mean Cuomo, according to that around 2.7 million people have survived in the state of New York already has an infection with the Virus. Cuomo stressed, however, that the Figures were preliminary and based only on the relatively small test group of 3000 people who do not believe also those of the leg, with the left currently in the house. Mark Lennihan/AP/dpa
In addition, was pointed out in the past, in the case of antibody Tests to the fact that these striking, sometimes, if the Tested antibody has been formed against the harmless, for years existing corona virus.
The number of deaths after infection with the Coronavirus was in the state on Thursday with 438 for the fourth day in a row below the mark of 500. "This number continues to fall – but not as fast as we würden" like to see;, Cuomo said. The number of newly Infected sun for days at around 1300. "This is stable, but this is not so great, we would like to see that reduced further."
More than 150,000 Coronavirus-Infected in Germany – the number of deaths increases by almost 250
19.37 PM: The number of new infections with Covid-19 fraud in the past 24 hours, 2516. Therefore, the number rose over the limit of 150,000 on 150.012. In Germany, meanwhile, 5261 people from the effects of Corona died of the disease. Compared to Wednesday, the number rose to 244.
Further messages to the Coronavirus you will find on the next page.
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FOCUS Online/Wochit Ministers were “striking”: Bartsch, makes jab at Söder and Laschet for laughs