The Coronavirus pandemic, keeps the world in breath: More than two million people worldwide are already infected with the Virus 140.450 of them in Germany. To slow the spread of the Coronavirus, have placed the countries of the world some very strict rules. All the latest News about the corona virus epidemic, you can find it in the Ticker from FOCUS Online.
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Director of the Wuhan lab, talks about criticism
Top news (08.34 PM): The head of the laboratory of the Institute of Virology in the Chinese city of Wuhan has allegations that his establishment could be the origin of the Corona pandemic be rejected. "I know that this is impossible ist", Yuan Zhiming said, the state broadcaster CGTN on Saturday. None of his employees have been infected. His Team knows exactly "what kind of research at the Institute and how the Institute with viruses and samples umgeht".
Between the United States and China has developed a slugfest to the origin of the novel Coronavirus. The US government has not, does not exclude according to their own statements, that the Virus as indicated by the Chinese authorities, from a wild animal market in Wuhan, the people passed, but from the outside of the million-metropolis of nearby Bio-lab comes.
Because the laboratory was in the place where the Virus was in December for the first time, occurred to Wake the people automatically associations, said Yuan. Some of the media tried but "intentionally, the people in the crazy to führen". The reports of the US media were based "exclusively on Spekulationen", not to "Prove or Wissen".
The Institute had already rejected in February, the then circulating rumors. Therefore, the laboratory workers in Wuhan, received on 30. December for the first time, samples of the unknown Virus and decoded its genome at the 2. January. The information about the pathogens are then at 11. January, the world health organization (WHO) has been passed.
Police solves three Corona-barbecue parties
Top news (08.50 PM): When the weather’s nice, the police on Saturday in lower Bavaria, three Corona-barbecue parties abruptly ended. In the district of Straubing-Bogen two people wanted to celebrate their groups with nine or 14 people in the garden, birthday and so violate the output restrictions during the Corona pandemic, the police announced on Sunday.
In the Straubinger recreation area Pillmoos police were advised officials on Saturday, passers-by to the fact that in the neighborhood, a barbecue celebration takes place with five people. Also, this Party was dissolved by the officials with regard to the output restrictions. Because the Affected do not live in a household together, you must now anticipate a procedure for violation of the protection against infection act.
Here you will find the currently reported Figures by the health ministries of the countries.
- Baden-Württemberg: 27.710 (952 Deaths)
- Bavaria: 37.254 (1226 Deaths)
- Berlin: 5187 (92 Deaths)
- Brandenburg: 2338 (83 Deaths)
- Bremen: 582 (25 Deaths)
- Hamburg: 4297 (74 Deaths)
- Hesse: 6983 (214 Deaths)
- Mecklenburg-Vorpommern: 649 (15 Deaths)
- Lower Saxony: 8863 (291 Deaths)
- North Rhine-Westphalia: 29.157 (862 Deaths)
- Rhineland-Palatinate: 5402 (106 Deaths)
- Saarland: 2327 (100 Deaths)
- Saxony: 4240 (106 Deaths)
- Saxony-Anhalt: 1352 (30 Deaths)
- Schleswig-Holstein: 2387 (61 Deaths)
- Thuringia: 1722 (51 Deaths)
Total: As Of 18.04., 19.45 PM: 140.450 (4288 Deaths)
Stand from the day before: 17.04., 19.34 PM: 137.853 (4104 Deaths)
Source to be Infected – and death-figures: country health and social ministries.
The number of Healed, according to the Robert Koch Institute in Germany, at around 85.400
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Austrian Minister: Plan to be quite the holiday tourism in summer
09.37 PM: Austria’s tourism Minister Elisabeth Köstinger in the Corona are in crisis, the question of travel opportunities in the summer of willingness to talk to Germany indicated. "The restriction of the freedom to travel is with us in the next few months bleiben", the ÖVP-politician told the newspaper "The Presse" (Sunday). "If countries are on a very good and positive way, such as, for example, in Germany, then there is also the option to agree bilaterally." She thus replied to the question of whether tourists come in the summer to Austria and Vice-versa to drive the Austrians abroad.
Köstinger but warned, it is difficult to predict how the next months develop. "There is no date, it could lead to further waves of infection." And then should not be ruled out, "that far-reaching measures have been taken müssen" be;.
Köstinger said that we had to adjust to it, "in this year, a different kind of holiday type wird". "But the fact that we have the propagation of the Coronavirus is relatively well in hand, and as the Federal government is already loosening the measures step by step in view, and, we plan also that there will be in the summer holiday tourism." The Minister made the expectation clear that the Austrians will make due to the Corona-crisis in the domestic holiday. "But without foreign guests, we will have to accept a loss."
German tourists had booked in the summer season in 2019, more than 37 percent of overnight Stays in Austria.
Merkel’s Corona-fighter brown: "Herdenimmunität" is not a good strategy
07.24 PM: Federal Chancellery chief-Helge Braun is Angela Merkel’s key employees against Corona. He keeps the strategy of a "Herdenimmunität" to be unfit in the struggle against the Corona Virus in Germany. "To immunize only half of the German population in 18 months, would have to be every day, 73,000 people with Corona infizieren", brown told the German press Agency in Berlin. "So, high Numbers would not sustain our health care system and could also be used by the health offices is not tracked. The epidemic would slip away."
With herd immunity, scientists my the immunity of a large percentage of the population after a wave of Infection that the further spread of the disease comes to a Standstill. "An epidemic is not the end, if a content of 60 to 70 percent of the population ist" immune to the Virus;, brown, who is himself a doctor, said. "The scientists refer to it as something flattering of herd immunity." Instead, the CDU-politician, relies on the course of the German government with Chancellor Angela Merkel: "Therefore, the strategy to avoid infection and to wait with regard to the immunity on the ability of a vaccine is." dpa Helge Braun (CDU) as head of the Federal Chancellery, Angela Merkel’s right-Hand man.
"Wrong and schädlich": Altmaier issued to SPD demands for higher taxes cancellation
Sunday, 19. April, 07.15 PM: Federal Minister Peter Altmaier (CDU) has the Federation and the Länder in the corona crisis to more Unity admonished. "We may not be a heap of confusion to run like a chicken and each other alternately tightening and loosening überbieten", Altmaier said to "Image on Sonntag". "If we now retain the nerve, we can avoid a second Lockdown. Therefore, a joint Action of the Federal government and the länder is so important."
At the same time, Altmaier, rejected the claim by the Federal Minister Olaf Scholz (SPD) to increase the tax significantly. "Anecdotal discussions of tax increases for certain individuals, groups or industries that are wrong, and schädlich", Altmaier said. "We also need to be frugal, but no one should have to pay higher taxes." It is a misconception that you get higher tax revenues with tax increases, justified his rejection. To reach you primarily through stronger growth and investment.
In principle, the Minister of economy was optimistic that the German economy strengthened from the Corona can emerge out of crisis. "Germany can and should be in no later than three years stronger and better than before the crisis."
More than 100,000 Corona-the Dead in Europe
21.39 PM: In Europe, meanwhile, more than 100,000 people after an infection with the Coronavirus had died. The death toll rose on Saturday evening to at least 100.501, such as a count by the news Agency AFP on the basis of authorities information showed.
Nearly two-thirds of the global Corona-related deaths. A total of almost 1.14 million Corona cases were registered in European countries. Europe is the hardest hit by the pandemic-affected continent. Worldwide, the number of the confirm Corona-cases of infection is nearly 2.3 million.
Most of the deaths in Europe were reported from Italy, there died 23.227 Infected. Worldwide, this number is only greater in the USA, where more than 37,000 Corona-patients died. In Spain, about 20.043 Corona-death cases were registered. In France, 19.323 Dead were counted, and in the UK, 15.464.
The AFP count is related to 193 countries and territories and is based on authorities of individual countries, and information from the world health organization (WHO). Experts expect a very high number of unreported cases, as in many countries, limited test capacity.
Pakistan extended flight stop – German sit still
21.20 PM: Pakistan has due to the Corona pandemic, the suspension of the flight traffic by the end of the month extended. Up to 30. April to take place in the absence of international as well as domestic flights, said a spokesman of Pakistan’s aviation authority on Saturday. Last, there were always exceptions, in particular for return actions of third States. Also many Germans are stuck still in the South Asian country.
The German Embassy in Pakistan was in the process, to consider alternative possibilities of Return for remaining Germans, wrote Ambassador Bernhard schlag tail on Saturday on Twitter. Recently the foreign office had announced that none of the return flights would take place after about 650 passengers on the 31. March and 4. April back to Germany brought the goods.
There is also after the two return actions still need exit opportunities, informed the foreign office. You try, with the message hard to find solutions for a timely return. Many people who had registered online, waiting for weeks now on their departure. How many Germans are still in Pakistan, the Foreign office went unanswered.
With the largest recall in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany have been according to information by Friday, more than 240 000 abroad stranded German back home. How many return, willing the German to sit still abroad, is unclear. After the completion of the action, the embassies want to continue to care for individual cases.
Some of the beaches in Florida are open in spite of the Corona-crisis
20.13 PM: Surfing and walking allowed, sun bathing is prohibited: In the North of the U.S. state of Florida are some of the beaches in spite of the persistent Corona-crisis under stricter conditions have been opened. In a Tweet, the authority for crisis management of the city of Jacksonville citizens called on Saturday to comply with when on the beach, a distance of about two meters for other people.
“This is the beginning of the path can be back to normal life,” said the mayor, Lenny Curry on Friday, according to a message, and appealed to the people to abide by the applicable restrictions. On the beach, for example, neither Grills nor chairs or Blankets are allowed. In addition, limited opening Hours in the Morning and early evening hours apply.
The TV channel Fox News reported that hundreds of people took advantage of their regained freedom after the announcement on Friday afternoon, and showed pictures of a lively Bustle on the water.
In the more from Coronavirus-affected South of the state’s beaches remained closed. In Florida were detected according to the Johns Hopkins University for more than 24 700 infections with the causative agent of Sars-CoV-2.
Corona-the Numbers in Germany on Saturday: 140.450 Infected, 4288 deaths
19.55: The number of the Corona of the Infected is on Saturday at 140.450 increased. The 2597 for more than the day before. The number of deaths is 4288. Compared to Friday this increased to 184.
Since Friday evening, less than 200 new deaths added, a Trend that gives us hope. The number of Healed people is currently around 84.500. A 3,600 of which were added on Saturday.
19.24 clock: in Spite of the Corona-crisis in Bangladesh, thousands of followers of the funeral of a preacher and Islamist politician visited. More and more people gathered on the grounds of a religious school in the administrative unit Sarail in the North-East of the country, to be Jubayer Ahmed Ansari, the last honor. Ansari was a leader of the Islamist party Khelafat Majlish and head of the school of religion.
The police have tried to limit the number of participants to 50, in order to reduce the risk of spread of the Coronavirus in the crowd – this had been largely ignored, said the local police chief Shahadat Hossain Titu on Saturday. “The crowd was out of control,” said Titu, the German press Agency. He put the number of people to an estimated 10,000. Ansari died on Friday at the age of 69 years.
Images of the crowd were on social networks for the angry responses. To contain the Coronavirus in Bangladesh, it is not vital shops and schools are closed, public transport is set since the end of March. The Muslim-majority country has also adopted a ban, with more than five people at Prayers in mosques to participate. So far, have been reported in the country 2144 infection with the novel Coronavirus, and 84 Dead.
Arms clinic in the South-Alsace is partly degraded
18.10: One in the South-Alsace for Coronavirus-patient-built army hospital may, according to media reports, partially dismantled be. Half of the 30 intensive care ward had beds free, and was in the removal, he told the radio station France Bleu on Saturday. The remaining 15 beds, and the mobile hospital should continue to skin in the Parking lot of the Emile-Muller hospital in Mulhouse (Mulhouse) in the North-Eastern stay to the clinic in the treatment of Covid-19-support patients.
The army hospital had resumed at the end of March first of seriously ill people. The clinic was set up to support the utilisation of intensive care units in the Eastern French Region. State chief Emmanuel Macron announced the establishment of mid-March, in a televised speech. In the army hospital so far, 48 of the severely ill patients had been treated, reported the local newspaper “Dernières Nouvelles d’alsace”. Mathieu Cugnot/EPA POOL/AP/dpa at the end of March, the French President, Emmanuel Macron, with the Mouth guard, the hospital visits
In the nursing and old people’s homes, in the Département of Bas-Rhin, and there was a loosening of the visitor ban, such as Frédéric Bierry, President of the responsible Department Council, announced. The residents are likely to see the visit – however, with a continued strict contact rules. Direct physical contact is prohibited, said Bierry. In addition, a protective mask must be worn. In the Haut-Rhin which is the planned re-opening of some post offices in the coming week, as the President of the Département Council, Brigitte Klinkert, on Facebook said.
The situation at the hospitals remains tense, said the operator group of public hospitals in the southern part of the Alsace region, according to a report on Friday. The whole of the Region Grand-Est at the border to Germany has been hit by the Coronavirus pandemic of hard. Health authorities, around 2350 people died Friday night in Grand Est due to infection with the Virus Sars-CoV-2. In the whole of France, there were more than 18 000 deaths.
17.48 PM: A rush of German drivers at Dutch border crossing in Roermond, close to Mönchengladbach for long traffic jams taken care of. The Dutch news Agency ANP reported.
Accordingly, many Germans would have received an E-Mail from the Marina in the border town of Roermond with the request to take care of their boats. Within an hour 60 German traveller had given this explanation, quoted by the ANP border officials. Other Germans were, in turn, in shopping centres and garden centre, which will open in Germany on Monday partially. The Parking lot of the garden center in the border town of Vlodrop, was plates full of cars with German number, according to the ANP.
The border between the Netherlands and Germany, is currently closed and will not be checked at the smaller Crossings as well. At the major Crossings officials are stationed, to the holders is intended to encourage the end to reverse. In half of the cases, the travellers, the Council, quoted by the ANP, a spokesman for the Dutch military police.
Wolfsburg: German city introduces mask duty
17.25 PM: in view of the cautious Opening of transactions, the city of Wolfsburg on Monday, a mask of duty. This applies in shops, in public buildings, doctor’s offices, medical facilities, and in buses, the municipality informed on Saturday. With a transition period of a week, they continued until the 6. May. Be with the exception of children under the age of six.
Even if the first stores are expected to re-open, not stopped, the risk of Coronavirus for a long time and overcome, said mayor Klaus Mohrs (SPD), according to the press release: "We don’t have to continue to give it Eight, that we can infect each other, and the at-risk groups, as well as our health care system is not at risk." The Details of the regulation are to be published on Sunday.
16.57 PM: In Berlin-Mitte on Saturday afternoon several Hundred people at an unauthorized Demonstration involved. Over loudspeakers, police urged the participants at the Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz, to disperse, as a spokeswoman said. The this to came. In isolated cases, to restrict the freedom of action had been resorted to. Around 100 workers were at the scene.
Many of the police officers were due to the Corona pandemic with mouth protection on the go. As the week had gathered the protesters at the people’s stage in order to demonstrate against a feared limitation of fundamental rights in the Corona-crisis before.
According to the current regulation to curb the spread of Corona assemblies in the open air of up to 20 participants are allowed. A prerequisite is that you are infection protection a legal point of view is acceptable, as stated in the regulation. Also in Brandenburg, the meetings are supposed to be in this size again. The Cabinet decided on Friday. The Federal constitutional court overturned on Saturday, the prohibition of a Demonstration in Stuttgart.
Amazon controls its own staff with thermal imaging cameras
Saturday, 18. April, 16.10: employees that puts Amazon in the US, thermal imaging cameras, to feverish employees to identify. The Austrian press Agency APA reported. In at least six storage halls of the Online retailer around Los Angeles, and Seattle appropriate equipment had been installed, reports, employees.
Amazon confirmed the use of such cameras in some of the warehouses. The cameras show increased temperatures, will be measured at the affected employees on the forehead for a fever. In order to care for the health and safety of employees.
Reported corona virus cases in Germany (click on your state)
Mouth guard made of fabric or paper crafting – so it works without sewing
CHIP Mouth guard made of fabric or paper crafting – so it works without sewing
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