Yumi Stynes Wants To Talk About Your Period

Half of the world get their period, so why does the topic still make so many of us cringe? How did we learn this “period shame” in the first place and what do we need to do to become more woke?

These are questions Yumi Stynes is tackling. Yumi is a TV and radio presenter, and the co-author of a new book, Welcome to Your Period, which she dedicates to the “next generation of bleeders”. In the latest episode of Women’s Health Uninterrupted, Yumi chats to WH deputy editor Lizza Gebilagin about how period stigma follows us into our adult years, why we need to be more open about PMS, and what we can do to slay the shame (listen out for her #periodchallenge). Plus, she talks about the importance of self-care when speaking out against inequality and how giving up alcohol was the best decision she made.

If you’ve been affected by the themes in this episode, book in for a chat with your GP. For mental health support, contact Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636 or Lifeline on 13 11 14.

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Here are some interesting links from the episode:

  • Dolly Doctor Has The Most Accurate Health Advice Of All Magazines
  • Everything you need to know about menstrual cups
  • Period activism on Instagram
  • Kiran Gandhi, who ran the London Marathon in 2015 on her heavy period day, without a tampon
  • Yumi’s cookbook

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