A bacterium reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

Scientists have tested in a pilot study the influence of the bacterium Akkermansia. The results were almost too good to be true: The bacterium inhibits diseases the increase of several risk factors for cardiovascular disease, reduces the progression of pre-Diabetes and lowers cholesterol. An important discovery, because every second Person is overweight and cardiovascular risk factors.

In 2007, researchers discovered from Belgium and the Netherlands the beneficial effects of the intestinal bacterium called Akkermansia muciniphila: they found that it inhibited the development of obesity and type 2 Diabetes in mice.

Therefore, the bacteria was tested in a clinical study of overweight or obese people with insulin resistance, a precursor of Diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Thus, it was confirmed what had already been in mice, observed: The supply of Akkermansia bacteria inhibited the progression of pre-Diabetes and the cardiovascular risks. In addition, a decrease of inflammation markers in the liver were observed, a decrease in the body weight of an average of 2.3 kg and a reduction in the cholesterol level. In comparison, the metabolic parameters deteriorated in the case of the participants who had only received a Placebo.

According to WHO every third person to cardiovascular dies in the world diseases. In Western countries, every second Person is overweight, and has diseases there is an increased risk for cardiovascular. The scientists have the hope that a dietary Supplement could help with Akkermansia these people.