Breakthrough in early detection? The blood test should not be more than 20 types of cancer to identify

A first study of approximately 3600 subjects showed overwhelming success. According to the researchers, the Test could affect in the future, the chances of Survival of many patients positive. Because the sooner a cancer is detected, the sooner treatment can start.

The researchers presented their results at the weekend at the “European Society for Medical Oncology Congress” (ESMO) in Barcelona.

The blood test uses Next Generation Sequencing technology (NGS). The DNA of the people on chemical markers will be investigated. Strongly formulated in a simplified way: If the cancer cells are released when they die in the bloodstream, it can detect the Test this. Even the original organ or tissue is located exactly.

Blood test with high accuracy

Were investigated 3583 subjects, 2053 Healthy as well as 1530 cancer patients with more than 20 different types of cancer (including breast, colon, esophagus, gall bladder-, stomach-, head-, neck-, lung-, ovarian – and pancreatic cancer and multiple myeloma and Lympathischer leukemia).

The Test detected 76 percent of all cases of cancer with a high mortality. Even a cancer in the beginning stage 1, the hit rate was at least 32 percent. With the progression of the disease, the Test has been progress in more detail.

  • Stage 2: 76 Percent Accuracy
  • Stage 3: 85 Percent Accuracy
  • Stage 4: 93 Percent Accuracy

The Test discovered a cancer, this was to 99.4 percent correct. Only 0.6 percent of the cases, the Test shows a false positive result.

Progress in the early detection

“The early detection of a low percentage of commonly occurring cancers could cause many patients receive more effective treatment, if the Test would be used across the Board,” said study leader Geoffrey R. Oxnard.

Cancer was detected, it was the researchers, using blood tests in 89 percent of the cases, even possible, to locate the Tumor or the cancer cells exactly.

*The post “breakthrough in early detection? Blood test over 20 types of cancer to identify” comes from Wizelife. Contact with the executives here.