The leaflets are smooth, then gently fold the tobacco spread, maybe a Filter between the tips of the fingers clamps, and the feeling of going full roles. For some, the Turning of a cigarette is a Ritual that belongs to Smoking. For others, it is simply a Must, in order to save money.
One way or the other: Whoever turns himself, thinks rare to the Stop and starts are also less likely to Try to stop Smoking. This was the result of a British study of more than 38,000 smokers were interviewed. As a smoker, everyone who had smoked in the past year, at least occasionally, cigarettes was. The researchers recorded whether the respondents had sought in the twelve months, to stop – and whether it was successful.
The five main results:
1. The typical self-screwdriver: 37 percent of the study participants turned their own cigarettes, after all, more than a third. On average, the self-driver were slightly younger, more often male and socially worse off than the smokers of manufactured cigarettes. Especially the last point with the cost to explain: Although the self-screwdriver in the cut Smoking a cigarette on the day, they invested only about half as much money in their consumption and the Smoking of finished cigarettes.
2. The Motivation to stop Smoking is there – but pronounced differently: smokers of manufactured cigarettes have tried more often to quit: they were 36 per cent, in the case of the self-movers only 33 percent. In addition, 20 percent of the finished cigarettes declared at the time of the survey-smokers that they are highly motivated to banish cigarettes from your life. In the case of the self-movers, there were only 16 percent, the researchers write to Sarah Jackson from University College London in the journal “BMJ Open”.
The differences don’t sound great in terms of the number of smokers in the population, however, affect thousands. In Germany alone, around 29 percent of adults smoke, equating to almost 20 million people. Provided that the ratio of the self-driver in this country is similar to that in the UK, would make up of your group about seven million people.
Who paid for it?
The study was funded by Cancer Research UK.
3. No matter in which group, to Stop work, almost never: Although more than 13,000 of the 38,000 participants had attempted, in the year prior to the survey with the Smoking, made it just under 2000. There was no statistically significant difference between self-movers and the smokers of manufactured cigarettes. While 14 percent of the Willed movers the Stop succeeded, it was in the other group, 15 percent.
4. Who, the Stop does and who it creates: The low success rates show how difficult it is to stop Smoking. Among those who made the cigarettes away, were especially many young, educated women. Actually successful, mainly older, well-educated smokers of both sexes.
5. The different reasons to stop Smoking: more than 10,000 participants, the researchers had data on the reasons for trying to quit. The smokers of manufactured cigarettes reported significantly more often than self-screwdriver, to want to because of the cost stop. Problems played in the case of self-movers health a greater role.
Reasons to stop Smoking
Warnings on the packaging impressed, however, hardly any smokers so much that he wanted to stop – this was true for all participants in the study.
The conclusion: cheap and individually, so why do without?
That Smoking kills, know meanwhile every. Each year around six million people worldwide die of the consequences of their consumption of Cigarettes. In Germany alone, tens of thousands of lung cancer cases could have been avoided this year, if people had never smoked. Nevertheless, many smokers missing to quit, the Motivation – and that goes for even screwdriver even more than for users of ready-made cigarettes.
One of the main reason could be the lower cost of self-rolled cigarettes. “There is a cheap Alternative to in factories manufactured cigarettes offers, can afford the user the Smoking may just longer and not stop forced,” says study author Jackson. According to the researchers, should be increased prices for tobacco.
Data from Europe show how much that can affect. Accordingly, a price increase of ten percent means that the number of smokers is reduced by about five to seven percent – and particularly the young and socially disadvantaged people to give up Smoking.
A factor but also higher prices will not be able to fix: The Turn allows anyone to build the individual favorite cigarette, an additional Ritual. The can also be something thin, when the money is scarce, to disappear completely from the life.