Fat people suffer more from Depression

The higher the Obesity, the greater the likelihood for Depression. Ten kilograms of excess body fat, the risk of screen-increase of ten per cent, Danish researchers have calculated. The one who manages to lose weight, I therefore also something for his mental health.

The fat mass is the new study shows that a risk factor for depression. The researchers assume a causal relationship, and from this derive that weight loss reduces the risk for Depression.

For the increased risk, it didn’t matter if it was parts of belly fat or fat on other parts of the body. "This suggests that there are psychological consequences of Obesity, which lead to an increased risk of Depression, and no direct physical factors. If this were the case, we would have probably seen that belly fat increases the risk the most, since it is biologically harmful and seen the most effect on the organism hat", Dr. Søren Dinesen Østergaard, Professor at the Department of clinical medicine, University of Aarhus and a member of the Department for affective disorders at the University clinic Aarhus said. Psychological aspects that increase the risk of Depression, can be, for example, a negative body image, bullying, loneliness, and low self-esteem.

For the study, the results of which were published in the journal Translational Psychiatry, the researchers have analysed data from two large genetic data sets with a total of over 800,000 participants in the UK Biobank and the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium.