So you met this person and they’re hot. You get along. There are laughs. All the laughs. And drinks. And you like them. Then you think you could like them more. Before you know it, numbers are exchanged, and dates are sorted. Then you start dating, but it’s only ever been superficial and they’re steering around deep convos, sensitive topics and piling-on the ex-boyfriend or girlfriend talk, reiterating how much they love doing their own thing.
Sure, you might be a great chat, funny, successful and totally hot, but those things won’t stop you from falling into the category that no one wants to be: the booty call.
If you’re on board for the booty call life then ? snaps ? to ? you ? babe! But sometimes a gal or guy thinks they’re sitting comfortably in dating territory when in fact they are literally just a random phone call for their “significant other,” so we’re here to help you figure out exactly where you stand.
Here’s how to tell if you’ve fallen off the wagon with no hope of getting back on…
1. They want minimal interaction with you
There might’ve been conversation and ‘getting-to-know-you’-ness in the beginning, but that was just the ground work. They don’t want to know about your parents, your experiences in life or what makes you awesome, they also don’t care. It’s about seeing you, then un-seeing you pretty promptly.
2. Their friends
You haven’t met and will never meet their friends. Unless it’s by pure coincidence. And watch how awkward that will be. This is indicative of someone who wants to keep you in the third ring of their inner sanctum.
3. The show off
This is pretty obvious. They will never show you off to anyone they’re talking to who’s the same gender as you. They want to keep their lines of opportunity open at any given chance and don’t want to come across as ‘marked territory’.
4. The future
There’s no talk of when they see you next, what you’ll be doing next week/month/year. That’s because there is no future with you. Until the next time they’ve had too much to drink and there’s no other option than to see you.
5. The brush offs
This is the kind of stuff you’d expect after a considerable amount of time spent together, but brush-off comments related to how busy they are with work, how much ‘fun’ you’re having together and questions about why you’d make it complicated are alarm bells for the reality.
6. All the odd times
You’re only hearing from them late at night? Yep, booty call. A 2am text message doesn’t mean they’re concerned about your welfare, it means they’re seeing if you’re awake to summon you over for things.
7. Where’d they go?
There’s now weekday conversation unless pressured to keep relations nice. They won’t respond too readily, if at all, and can run the risk of coming-up with BS excuses later that are short, simple and nonchalant.
8. Dates?
Never going on dates? Why would they. They get exactly what they want without the cost. Win-win!
9. What’s in a kiss…
No lip-love? Dead set giveaway of someone who has no affection for you as kissing is affectionate, not lustful.
10. Cuddles!
No cuddling before or after? Standard booty call vibes. Sure, ‘cuddling’ can be used as a euphemism for a naked romp, but sometimes, it can literally mean cuddling. If there’s no pre or post-naked lying down and enjoying of each other’s company, BAM, you’re out.
Source: Famous Live
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