The company is the country of love, after a warning by the consumer organization food watch, a number of advertising statements to school cocoa pulled back. In a cease and desist letter available to the news Agency AFP, it says, among other things, that love of country increases in the future, to statements such as “cocoa will not taste of intelligence and concentration” and “cocoa and makes you mentally fit”. The information had been removed from the website, also a abgemahnt parents brochure will not be distributed.
Foodwatch criticises Julia Klöckner
Foodwatch spoke of a “disgrace” for the States of Berlin and Brandenburg for the joint school milk programme, the competent authority has established, among other things, these promotional statements of their Adherence to a promotion of sweetened milk in schools in these countries. Love of country is the biggest school milk supplier.
Sweet and unhealthy
Food watch study: one in Every three soft drink contains too much sugar
The company have widely used “for many years, is inadmissible fairy tale about the supposedly positive effects of chocolate milk”, said food watch chief Executive Martin Rücker.
The organization also criticized the state Minister of economic Affairs, Julia Klöckner (CDU). It could not be that Klöckner say on the one hand, for sugar reduction, and on the other hand, accept that “sugar consumption in the schools is supported by the government”.
The company defends the sugar-additional
Love of country defended, that not only milk but also sugar-containing cocoa in General is part of the Subsidies under the school milk program. Not all kids would like “the taste of pure milk”. Experience has shown that children would buy significantly sugar, more soft drinks, “if not also the cocoa would be subsidized,” love of country.
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