The EU Commission calls for better education about vaccinations, once a citizen has shown up survey, large gaps in knowledge. Although 85 per cent of the EU-population vaccination would be effective to prevent infectious diseases. 48 per cent believed, however erroneously, that the treatments often lead to severe side effects.
38 per cent were also of the view that vaccines can cause the diseases against which you should protect. While some of the very few vaccines containing attenuated, live pathogen. This can cause, according to the Robert Koch-Institute, although disease-related complaints. A fully pronounced disease develop, but practically never.
“Our citizens don’t know enough,” said Commission Vice President Jyrki Katainen. The EU would have to defend itself against false information about vaccinations.
“Forced is not the only solution”
For the Eurobarometer survey was conducted in March across Europe, more than 27,500 people. In Germany, 46 percent of the participants took that vaccines often have serious side effects. 42 per cent were of the view that they can cause the diseases to which they are tailored.
According to Katainen, have died in the past year in Europe, 35 people from the consequences of a measles infection. Between 2016 and 2017, the number of deaths has tripled. In the survey, 52 percent of respondents in Germany, after all, that measles deaths in the EU – considerably more than the EU average (37 percent). In Spain, only nine percent of respondents agreed with this statement.
A vaccination is from the point of view of the EU Commission, however, no panacea to curb measles and other infectious diseases. “Forced is not the only solution,” said Katainen. “It can work in some countries, but other forms of organisation of vaccination appear to be equally effective.”
It is the EU States spent in its sole discretion, how to proceed, said the Finnish Commissioner. A lot depends on how well the health system is functioning and how well the citizens are informed.
In view of the increased occurrence of measles is also discussed in Germany, is always stronger than a vaccination. According to Brandenburg, North Rhine-trying-Westphalia, measles vaccinations for kindergarteners to make mandatory. The Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) is currently examining how a Federal government could be implemented-wide compulsory vaccination.