In the fight against the spread of the Coronavirus several States restrict public life drastically. Most of Bavaria and the Saarland to go: There are output restrictions occur this Saturday in power, the citizens are allowed to leave their apartments only for valid reasons.
Also, countries such as Baden-Württemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate, Hesse, Saxony and Hamburg intensify your course. Meetings of smaller groups are in many places prohibited now, Restaurants are closed for guests. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) wants to advise on Sunday with the States on the next steps.
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“We do not block Bayern, we lock Bayern,” emphasized Prime Minister Markus Söder in Munich. But you drive on public life in the free state is almost fully down. This was the opinion of all the experts, the only way to slow the spread of the Virus.
In Bavaria is the Leave the apartment in the future only for good reasons, allowed. This includes, among other things, on the way to work, shopping, doctor and pharmacy visits, visits to partners, but also Sport and exercise in the fresh air count but only alone or with the people with whom you live together. Also the gastronomy is to be closed, and the sale and delivery of meals to stay but more is possible.
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A similar scheme is valid from Saturday, also in the Saarland. The Prime Minister, Tobias, Hans (CDU) said he would have preferred a joint approach with other provinces. The Saarland was on the border of the Eastern French Corona-risk area Grand Est “, a particularly difficult challenge”. In addition, there is “unfortunately, still too many people not taking our orders seriously.”
In Baden-Württemberg are gatherings of people in public places with more than three people is no longer allowed, as Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann (Green party) said. Exceptions there were for families and couples. You had to take on the Weakest in society, respect, the sick, the chronic and the Elderly.
In Rhineland-Palatinate are all the restaurants closed and gatherings of more than five people prohibited. As a reason, Minister-President Malu Dreyer (SPD) said that not all of the people had to hold to the since Wednesday the measures in force. “I know, these are tough cuts,” said Dreyer. “This weekend is very crucial, we are watching it very carefully.”
A nationwide curfew is to be avoided
Also Hesse wants to, in the words of Prime Minister Volker Bouffier, the CDU) for the time being to output the lock without. The state government announced plans to restrict assemblies on a maximum of five people. Fines of 100 to 300 euros could be imposed, said Bouffier.
In Hamburg are accumulations of more than six persons under the says, in Cologne, even groups of more than two persons. Berlin’s governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD) has announced that it is also the capital of harder restrictions for the containment of Coronavirus-crisis is. The Senate should prepare to come to the closure of the Restaurant that he said in the rbb”Abendschau” on Friday evening. So far, this Local have to close from 18: 00. In the future, it should then only pick – up and delivery services. Also meetings under 50 people, should be prohibited, Mr. Müller announced.
A nationwide curfew is trying to the Federal government to avoid. Government spokesman Steffen Seibert admonished citizens to continue to meet in groups. You should not simply stand in a cluster of People in the Park, or crowded to sit in the Café. Otherwise, it may be further steps necessary.
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The far-reaching decisions in Bavaria, Seibert had not been first known. This show, of course, that consultation and coordination is on Sunday “particularly important,” he said.
Further restrictions of public life Merkel will discuss on Sunday in a switching conference with the Federal States. The effect of the previous measures which will be analysed relentlessly, announced in Seibert. At the same time, it is important to maintain the proportionality. “We act as a democracy,” he said. “This is true now, and will continue to apply.” To the question of a state of emergency Seibert said: “The term is not liked, and the reasons for it.”
The spokesman of the Federal interior Ministry, Steve old, said it would be irresponsible” to speculate now about which of the possible measures could be made in two or three days. All orders must comply with the principle of proportionality.
For clarification of the various terms in the public debate, such as curfew and prohibition – he said that there is no single, statutory broad terms for the different conditions. A public Assembly must be understandable and described in such a way that it is for everyone to understand clearly.
Curfew “the last medium”
A curfew remains in North Rhine-Westphalia Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU), “the last agent”. Already, many basic rights, such as freedom of movement and freedom of religion has been restricted, said Laschet on Friday in a citizens ‘ question time in the radio station WDR 2. “The state must carefully consider how far he can go.”
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Saxony wants to crowds of people in times of Corona-crisis in the act. This should be punishable with imprisonment for a term of up to two years, said the head of government Michael Kretschmer (CDU), in a video briefing. “This is a hard announcement. But it is necessary.”
World medical President Frank Ulrich Montgomery, criticized the inconsistent approach of the Federal States in the fight against the spread of the Coronavirus. “Actually, the policy of the Federal government in the hands of Jens Spahn six weeks is excellent, but in the meantime, the Minister presidents of the länder into a competition-aggravating measures kicked in,” said Montgomery of the “Augsburger Allgemeine” (Saturday). The Berlin-based virologist Christian Drosten said in the debate about curfews to a lack of data. It is relatively hard to say whether an additional measure, such as a curfew a difference. There are no data at all,” said the Charité-scientists on Friday in the NDR Podcast. Appropriate data will be available in two or three weeks.