In Germany, approximately 500,000 people are diagnosed each year with cancer. Screening methods to help identify cancers at an early stage. Because The earlier cancer is detected, the better he is treated in many cases. Patients choose a measure from the statutory early detection program, such as a mammography begins for you often a time of anxious waiting: the test results Are unremarkable? Or there is a critical finding, which would lead to further investigations – for example, a tissue sample? As screening methods directed to apparently healthy people without symptoms, should be documented and be greater than the risk of the possibility of damages.
Experts of the Institute for quality and efficiency in health care (IQWiG) now have made an early detection measure for prostate cancer to the test – with ernüchterndem result. A screening program on prostate-specific Antigen (PSA) claims more than that there is use, according to a preliminary report of the Institute, which was published at the beginning of this week. The Test lead “often to over-diagnosis and false-positive Findings”. This, in turn, could lead to unnecessary therapies, with potentially severe physical damages, such as incontinence and impotence.
For the PSA Test, patients have to pay
The PSA Test is not part of the statutory early detection programme, but is used by Physicians as a so-called “hedgehog” – performance (Abk for “individual health performance”) on a self-paying basis. The IQWiG had to get by the Joint Federal Committee (GBA), to the Benefit of a comprehensive PSA Screening of the ceiling for inspection testing of healthy men without prostate cancer is suspected. The GBA, which in turn decides whether or not statutory health insurance for certain Screening activities, and the cost of this should take. For the PSA Test, there is, at least from the side of the IQWiG is not a green light.
Risk Factor Smoking
Approximately 19 percent of all preventable cases of cancer are attributable to cigarette. Smoking is considered the most important preventable risk factor in the development of cancer. Also, passive smoke poses a risk.
Smokers develop more lung cancer than non-smokers. Around nine out of ten men with lung cancer have contracted the disease, probably from Smoking. For women, there are six out of ten people Affected. In addition, there are correlations with many other types of cancer, such as oral cavity, esophagus, or larynx cancer.
So you lower your risk:
Stop with the Smoking. A stop Smoking is worth it at any age. The following applies: The earlier in the life is omitted, the greater the positive effect. Ten years after the last cigarette the risk of certain cancers, decreases diseases, such as the mouth, trachea and esophagus cancer. The risk to develop lung cancer, decreases in comparison to people who have smoked to the half.
The experts had evaluated studies of more than 400,000 participants. A PSA showed:-Screening benefit of some men, by it loads due to cancer metastases spared or delayed. But of these, only about three out of 1000 patients benefit from the cutting within a period of twelve years. If the Screening of life to a significant extension in the case of the patient remains unclear. A Change in total mortality was not evident from the data.
For this phenomenon there is also a possible explanation: There are generally older men, who are preserved through a PSA Screening death from prostate cancer. Especially in the case of older people the risk is great that they will die anyway at a comparable point in time to another cause, such as a stroke or heart attack. They do not die with the cancer but the cancer.
PSA Test: the damage caused by over-diagnosis and Übertherapie
The list of possible damage, according to IQWiG, however, long:
“Screening measures can lead to serious damages”, says IQWiG’s Director Jürgen Windeler. “The PSA Screening it comes, in particular, to a significant number of over-diagnosis, which in itself is stressful, but especially Übertherapien after and long-lasting drag, and, ultimately, to serious complications such as incontinence and impotence can lead.” Windler, therefore, comes to the conclusion: “men with no suspicion of prostate cancer should be offered, therefore, at present there is no organized prostate cancer screening by PSA Test.”
In Germany, about 57,000 men annually diagnosed with prostate cancer. The average age of onset is 72 years. In addition to the PSA Test, there is another early-detection measure: the digital rectal examination. It is part of the statutory screening offer to men over the age of 45. Years of age and is reimbursed by the health insurance companies. A duty to participate in the program, there isn’t.