Researchers prove that With the right diet, we can stop the aging

In many animals, a reduction in the calorie intake, the life span increases. In a long-term experiment, researchers have now shown that people benefit from it.

A reduced calorie diet may extend human life. In the case of a long-term trial with about 50 people, scientists have found lower values of biomarkers associated with the aging of living beings. During the two-year investigation, the subjects scored between the ages of 20 and 50 years, an average of 15 percent of the calorie intake that you were previously accustomed to. The group reported to Leanne Redman of the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge in the journal "Cell Metabolism".

In a number of animal studies of caloric restrictions have extended, especially in the case of small animals, the life span significantly. Also in the case of larger mammals, such effects were, if this is in primates is controversial. In the case of human studies on calorie restriction have had as a priority the objective to gain insight to weight loss. The present study of 36 women and 17 men tested the metabolic effects in non-obese people.

The adoption of a Faster metabolism shortens life

In the course of the two years, the group took off with calorie restriction, an average of 8.7 kg. The control group, without limitation, increased in the same period of 1.8 kilograms. To spent certain times of the participants 24 hours in a "Stoffwechselkammer", in the in you sitting at work engaged in and sleeping. Here is the basic consumption of energy was measured. This consumption decreased in the group with calorie restriction is so strong that this cannot be attributed solely to the lower body weight.

In the selection of the measured values, Redman and colleagues related to the key assumptions for the aging in living beings: they say that a faster metabolism will shorten the life and damage due to oxygen radicals lead to the aging of body tissues.

"Calorie restriction in young, healthy people can sein&quot good for your health;

In the study, the values for thyroid hormones and other substances that are linked with the energy metabolism, in the group with calorie restriction significantly lower than in the control group. The same was true for the Biomarker, which stand for the amount of the oxygen radicals in the body. From this, the researchers conclude that a life-prolonging effect. "We have found that even people who are already healthy and slim, benefit from calorie restriction können", is Redman cited in a communication from the magazine.

Lenhard Rudolph at the Leibniz-Institute for age research in Jena, Germany, who was not involved in the study, speaks of “plausible results”. What is important is the result that the energy consumption of the body is reduced after the reduced calorie diet more than the weight. "Caloric restriction in young, healthy people can sein&quot good for your health;, Rudolph says. However, there are also studies that indicate that in old age, slightly Overweight with a longer life go hand in hand.