Partial to a cheeky afternoon delight? You’re officially in luck – 3pm is the ideal time of day to get it on.
According to hormone expert Alisa Vitti, this is when we’re most in tune with our partner’s desires.
While men are most likely to perform best in the early to mid-morning (the testosterone they produce overnight brings on arousal) their oestrogen peaks later in the afternoon – making them more emotionally attentive.
For women, it’s also when cortisol levels are at their highest, helping to boost our energy and alertness.
In short, it’s a perf combo for both parties:
“While this may not seem like a logical set-up for satisfaction, given the previous endorsement of testosterone, the combination actually makes men more emotionally present during sex and better able to focus on (a woman’s needs and satisfaction,” she writes, in her book WomanCode.
That said, the time of the month you do the dirty will massively affect how much you enjoy it.
For the best possible sex, Alisa says to aim for ten days after ovulation – when “women experience a surge in oestrogen and testosterone that causes their desire to skyrocket.”
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