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Read what your sign's 2021 horoscope predictions have in store for you or check out the Aquarius personality profile.
Happy December, Aquarius! Last month, you stayed off social media during an eclipse to lower the risk of drama. Get ready because December brings another eclipse, but don't worry; you can even use this one to your advantage. But first, on Wednesday, December 1, the dreamy planet Neptune goes direct in intuitive Pisces. It's been retrograde since Friday, June 25. During the past few months, you went through the painful but necessary process of identifying which relationships have long-term potential and which ones are only projects or your attempts to change someone. When Neptune goes direct, any lingering partnerships based on illusions will fall apart. But fear not: better people are coming to take their place.
As promised, a new moon solar eclipse in Sagittarius occurs on Saturday, December 4. Yes, eclipses can be chaotic and bring sudden change, but that's not always a bad thing. This total solar eclipse is all about beginnings. So while giving in to the temptation to stalk your ex will likely be anxiety-provoking, keep your heart open to new love this weekend, Aquarius. This may mean a first date or maturely working out an issue in your current partner. As long as you stay grounded in the present, this eclipse can bring positive romantic news.
You like to pretend that you're too cool for school, Aquarius, but you adore attention as much as anyone.
On Monday, December 13, the warrior planet Mars enters adventurous Sagittarius and turns your attention to your public image. Circle this date in your calendar and watch out for professional acclaim. You like to pretend that you're too cool for school, Aquarius, but you adore attention as much as anyone. You've worked hard over the past year and likely were met with pandemic-related work challenges. So, whether it's an award or praise from your boss, permit yourself to soak it in. On this same date, Monday, December 13, the communication planet Mercury enters entrepreneurial Capricorn, helping you accept your praise and acclaim with grace. Don't forget to pat yourself on the back, too.
Turn your attention to books or political causes close to your heart during the full moon in busy Gemini on Saturday, December 18. Whether it's fighting for Black Lives Matter, the quality of education in your town, or for queer rights, you have a humanitarian streak, Aquarius. During the busy holiday season, it can be easy to lose touch with this side of you. But it's essential to care and nurture it, and the full moon, ripe for manifestation, is an ideal time.
No more messing with lovers' hearts just because you have commitment issues.
Circle Sunday, December 19 in your calendar because the stars are busy. First, the comet Chiron, known as the "wounded healer," ends its retrograde, where it's been since Thursday, July 15. During Chiron retrograde, you began the painful process of identifying and then healing childhood wounds. When the heavenly body goes direct, the universe wants you to put that progress into action. For you, aloof Aquarius, that means being honest and direct about your feelings and no more messing with lovers' hearts just because you have commitment issues. It's time to grow up and work through them.
Also on Sunday, December 19, Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and abundance, goes retrograde, where it will stay until Saturday, January 29. Communication surrounding love and money can feel a little bit frustrating during this time. However, because it also takes place over the holidays, try not to feel too discouraged. Your main order is to resist that Aquarius temptation to dye your hair blue right before you see your distant family. Venus retrograde is a bad time to make major changes to your appearance.
Hardworking Capricorn season begins during the Winter Solstice on Tuesday, November 21, filling you with enough ambition to fight off any professional sluggishness caused by Venus retrograde. When the lucky planet Jupiter, which is in your sign, squares (an action-oriented planetary transit) eccentric Uranus in Taurus on Friday, December 24, be on the lookout for work-related good news to come your way. Finally, when Jupiter enters sweet Pisces on Tuesday, December 28, a feeling of serenity takes over. Your only job for the rest of the year is to relax and have a good time with loved ones. Stay safe, and see you in 2022.
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As Allure's resident astrologer, Sophie Saint Thomas believes in the power of glamour and embracing one's sexuality — all the while, looking to astrology to navigate the intricacies of modern life. She is also the author of Sex Witch: Magickal Spells for Love, Lust, and Self-Protection and the upcoming Glamour Witch: An Empowering Sex-Positive Guide with Spells and Witchy Beauty Tips for All Budgets and Body Types.
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