Before I decided that I wanted to be a dog walker and pet sitter for Fetch! Pet Care, I worked for an insurance startup for nearly ten years. It paid the bills, but I was unhappy. I would spend anywhere between eight to twelve hours a day seated in my cubicle, under fluorescent lighting… I even had to press a button every time I left my station to use the lady’s room. I’m naturally not the corporate type, and love being outside. My weekends were spent adventuring with my fiancé (we were weekend warriors, as you might say). I’ve grown up with dogs, cats, fish, birds, rabbits, horses — once a guinea pig… my entire life, and am a proud dog owner myself. When I signed on to work in this insurance startup, it seemed promising and secure… these factors alone should make me happy, right? Wrong. As I approached my ten-year mark, I found myself growing increasingly unhappy.
Fast forward to a week later. I’m having brunch with friends of mine at this new spot in San Francisco (where we live). My friend Mallory brought a new friend with her, Mark. Mark happened to work for Fetch! Pet Care as a dog walker and pet sitter and I was intrigued. He said to me: “It’s literally the best career decision I’ve ever made. I wouldn’t go back.” Make your own hours, a daily workout (no gym membership required!), and most of all, you get to play with pets all day! I was sold.
The following week I sent my boss my two week’s notice after a painless interview process (and a job offer!) with Fetch! Pet Care. Things were finally looking up. It’s been almost five years now and here’s my story of why working for Fetch! Pet Care is the best job I’ve ever had. Hands down.
Mocha, Jasper, Nylah, and Wolfgang… some smiling faces from my crew!
I hang out with pets all day. Most of the pets I work with, I have known since my very first day on the job. They are always happy to see me, and offer their love and affection with abandon. My “crew” (as I like to call them), are so grateful for the simple things I do for them: offer fresh water, go for a brisk walk, or some see-ya-tomorrow belly rubs. Gone are the days of office politics and water cooler drama.
This is Luna. She is always so happy! Especially after some sunshine after playtime.
I am in the best shape I’ve ever been in my entire life. Fact: I was pudgy and out-of-shape before I started walking dogs for Fetch! Pet Care. I don’t own a gym membership, although I do practice yoga outside of my working hours because I enjoy it. I am now body-positive, and truly happy with how I look and feel. I’m way more comfortable being in photos (and in the occasional selfie with some of my favorite pets). You really can’t beat getting paid to stay in shape and have fun. It’s a win-win!
The pet parents I work with and my co-workers are some of the best people I know. Take a look at Fetch! Pet Care on Facebook and you’ll see what I mean. We are our own community and we share a love for our pets that you can compare to the love you have for your own children. I always send text updates to my pet’s parents with photos and videos so they know their fur babies are happy and safe. The replies I receive in return are brimming with sincere gratitude. For example: “This video just made my day. Thank you so much for taking such great care of my babies!” Or, “We should start an Instagram for Buddha…he’s always smiling when he’s with you!” Not to mention, we are all very much involved with our pet-loving community on the local level. Most of the pet owners I work with along with my co-workers and myself volunteer at adoption events, are foster parents for rescues — whatever we can do to help a pet in need, we do it.
My co-worker, Sarah, at an adoption event we co-hosted this Summer in San Francisco.
I earn a living wage. I don’t struggle to pay the bills, have a growing savings account, and room for spending. I may not be wealthy, but I have everything I need and a job that is flexible and fun. It’s a perfect combination for someone like myself.
This is my spirit dog. A very happy camper indeed.
I’m the happiest I’ve even been. I’m smiling all day long. I feel great because I get a lot of fresh air and exercise, and there’s nothing like seeing happy pets enjoying life…it’s contagious! I actually look forward to going to my first job of the day… I wake up with a smile on my face, and come home smiling. It’s made me a better person because I’m less stressed out and I’m more available for my fiancé, friends, and family. I consider myself a Fetch! Pet Care dog walker and pet sitter for life and hope to one day open my own franchise.
If you have any questions about becoming a dog walker or pet sitter with Fetch! Pet Care, tweet them at @FetchPetCare. Want to work with me and my amazing co-workers? Apply online here and your local Fetch! Pet Care franchise owner get back to you right away. Best of luck!
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