I can’t believe it’s already August. Where did the time go? My family and I have a few end-of-season trips planned. Our puppies, Finn and Dolce, are of course included! We’ve spent our summer hiking and exploring the Redwood-canopied trails of Northern California, and enjoying stunning dog-friendly beaches. From camping to making a splash to hanging out at the farm — our own pets truly are experiencing their best summer ever!
We want to hear how you and your pets are spending your time this summer. Our pets are like children to us and they deserve to be having the very best of times. Here are a just some of the ways Fetch! pets are having the best summer ever.
Win a summer goodie bag with some of our favorite summer products by leaving a comment below and telling us one thing you did with your pet this Summer. Rather Tweet or Facebook us with your story? Give it a go…our favorite comment wins! The winner will be announced on both Twitter and Facebook on Wednesday August 27th. Good luck!
Some dogs just can’t get enough of the water! When I take my dog near a pool, the ocean, even a park fountain, she’ll make a beeline to jump in. Dogs in our Fetch! community seem to have spent their share of time in the water. This Chuckit! Amphibious Fin was one of our favorite toys for water retrieving. It’s sturdy, easy to throw, find, and most importantly…it floats like a charm!
As safety is our #1 priority at Fetch!, a safe water experience is a MUST, so many of you invested in a life jacket for Fido. We love Kyjen’s Outward Hound Life Jacket — you may be surprised at how dangerous water sports can be for even the savviest of swimmers, so, this little number gives us peace of mind in knowing that everyone is safe and having a good time.
With a little common sense and mindfulness, our cats can enjoy summer as much as we do. It’s a great time to teach a cat how to walk on leash or teach agility training in the backyard! Letting your cat explore your yard and garden on a leash may sound a bit unusual or silly, but it’s actually an enjoyable and underrated past time for your little fur ball.
There’s nothing like a cat on your lap to help you slow down, smell the roses and savor a happy, purr-filled summer. For the perfect summer nap, the Catit Senses Comfort Zone is an all-in-one cat sensory stimulation area equip with a gel cushion that can be refrigerated to keep kitty nice and cool. An added perk with the Catit Senses Comfort Zone is that kitty will spend most of her down time here, so you’ll never have to play hide and seek to find her!
The Great Outdoors: Camping seemed to be the #1 family activity our customers enjoyed with their dogs this summer. This is a great starting point for a nice shaded day hike, a jump in the lake, or relaxing under the stars.
This year, the pet supply industry really took things up a notch, getting creative to make traveling and camping with your dog even easier. Our favorite products? Leanix dog treats: They come in a lip balm-like tube so you can reward your dog on-the-go without making a mess. They’re also low calorie and attach to your leash or keychain. Pair that with Chuckit’s Travel Dog Bed for a fun, smart and well-prepared adventure.
What have you and your pets done so far this summer? Win a mystery prize from this list of goodies by leaving a comment below and letting us know about one thing you did with your pet this Summer. Rather Tweet or Facebookthem to us? Give it a go…our favorite comment wins! The winner will be announced on both Twitter and Facebook on Wednesday August 27th. Good luck!
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