Black Lab Plays Hot Lava

A black Lab playing Hot Lava is a must see!

Quick, someone give this beautiful Black Lab a grand prize for playing the game so well. What game you ask? The Floor is Lava, of course! Or is he practicing base stealing for an upcoming ballgame? We can’t say for sure, but we DO know that this beautiful creature is a ton of fun to watch. Go ahead, press play and see for yourself:

See what we mean? Quite the sportsman isn’t he? Or is that sports-dog? Hmmm! Whichever you decide, we all can agree that he’s a MVP as in Most Valuable Pooch, right?

This all star pup is totally pawsome as he works to grab hold of his target without ever completely leaving his “safe zone”. After cheering him on, all of us at Fetch! Pet Care decided to take a vote and we think someone should draft him into the major leagues and fast, don’t you agree?

What is it that he’s actually after, we wonder? Is that a cup he’s lunging toward? Or is it a tiny barrel of delicious treats that he just has to get his paws on? Whatever it is, this is one determined Black Lab who we just can’t stop laughing at!

Black Lab Lovers Speak Up

Do you own a Black Lab? Is he good at sports? Have any funny stories to tell us? How about a noteworthy photo or even another entertaining video? What do you think about the Black Lab featured in this one? Do you think he ever secured his target? We know his paws never left that rug, but the rest is one giant mystery!

Tell us what you think about our latest video of the week selection and, by all means, share your own fascinating pet stories in the comments section we’ve reserved especially for you.

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