At Fetch! Pet Care, we offer more than just animal sitting services. Our awesome blog is full of great, fun, and super informative posts to help you in your pet owning adventures. These are some of our most read blogs in 2016.
Pet Carrier Safety Warning
To date, this is one of our most read blog posts in 2016 and for good reason. It’s chock full of great and important information regarding your pet’s carrier safety. While mostly used for smaller pets that you can carry with one hand, there are carriers for large breeds as well, and the safety precautions apply to all. This is a great post to check out if you’re considering travelling with your pet soon.
Fetch Pet Care and PetPlan Have Joined Paws to Protect Pets
Health care plans for pets is something fairly new to the industry, and it’s still not as easy or simple as health acre for humans. But Fetch has teamed up with Petplan to help get better benefits into the hands of pet owners. This blog post was super popular for Fetch in 2016 and touches on all the great advantages that Petplan an offer. Check it out if you’re thinking about getting proper health coverage for your beloved pet. There’s a good reason why this was one of our most read blogs of 2016.
18 of the Best Instgram Accounts for Pet Lovers
One of the things Fetch loves to do is bring the animal lover community closer together. We can learn from one another as well as entertain with cute pictures and videos. Having a handy list of pet related social media accounts to follow can be a great help if you’re looking for more like-minded people or something specific about a breed.
5 Ways to Make Dog Walking More Exciting
Obviously, dogs need to be walked every day. Sometimes, more than once a day, too. And for some pet owners, the repetitive path day in and day out can become boring. So, we put together this blog post to help dog owners have more fun dog walking. Everything from having a photo shoot to inviting friends along for the trip.
New Twist on The Fox and The Hound
Don’t you just love it when Disney movies come to life? The live action versions being made lately are to die for. But this story takes it one step further and turns The Fox & the Hound into a real life story. A girl named Jessika had a pet dog, and then took in a baby fox when it was just a few weeks old. The two animals, known to butt heads, seem to work in this situation and are the best of friends.
Top 5 DIY Dog Toys and Treats
These top 5 DIY dog toys and treats are awesome ideas for any dog owner. And most can be done with regular, everyday household stuff. Learnt o make problem solving toys for your pooch or how to tie a nice, thick nautical knot for them to chew for days.
5 Extraordinarily Cute Cat Breeds
Cat lovers, you’re welcome! Whether you’re in the market for a first time kitty, or you’ve got ten at home and need your daily fix of cut cat pictures, this blog post is one you should check out. It lists 5 of the cutest cat breeds known to mankind and a little bit about each one. It;s one of our most read blogs about cats in 2016.
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