What happens when a French Bulldog is determined to get the resident cat out of his bed? Fetch! Pet Care gets to showcase the cuteness of it all in our latest video of the week, that’s what! Seriously, this little guy is bound and determined to win the battle of the bed…just watch!
If you’ve ever had a stubborn sibling who enjoyed teasing you, then you know the frustrated determination that drives Pixel the French Bulldog puppy. Clearly, he’s had his fill of the cat taking over and plans to put an end to his dominion…if he can just get him out of that comfy bed!
Just as cute as Pixel’s energetic grunts and tugs are, we also love the fact that the cat appears to be quite “unbothered” by it all. In fact, he almost seems to be enjoying the ride. Note how he appears to rub his stubbornness in as he even lies down for the ride at the :54 second mark. Both of these adorable fur babies just refuse to give up!
We don’t know who ultimately won the battle of the bed, but we sure did enjoy watching the match! How about you?
Tell Us Your French Bulldog Stories
Do you have a French Bulldog who is as determined to have things his way as Pixel is in this video? What about a cat who doesn’t let much “move” him? We love hearing your stories and if you have pictures or videos, even better! Tell us all about it in the comments section below and you just may find your pet featured in an upcoming video of the week, too. Remember to share this video with your fur-loving social media pals and be sure to use our official hashtag: #FetchPetCare so that we can join in on the conversation, too!
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