(Photo Credit: tpsdave, Pixabay.com)
EDITOR’S NOTE: We are pleased to present a guest post by Vee Cecil who is passionate about sharing information that improves the wellbeing of others. She is a personal trainer and wellness coach and enjoys sharing her many findings on wellness on her blog. She is also excited to be writing her first book on overall health. If you would like to contribute a guest post to the Fetch! Pet Care blog, please send your ideas to [email protected].
It’s probably your pooch’s least favorite time of year: these winter months mean cooler weather and as a result, less outside playtime, and more time cooped up indoors. Whether boredom leads to Rover burrowing behind an entertainment center or the winter temperatures have him shivering, here are six tips to keep your dog healthy and happy during the colder months:
Make sure he has plenty of food and water.
Keeping warm in the cold temperatures depletes your dog’s energy, so if he’s spending a lot of time outdoors he may need extra rations. (Just don’t get carried away — keep an eye on his weight to prevent over-feeding!) Regularly check his water to make sure it’s fresh and be sure to use plastic bowls. Low temperatures can cause his tongue to stick and freeze to metal.
Make sure he’ll be warm and toasty against the elements.
If you’re expecting to see snow this season, make sure your pup is properly bundled. Get him a well-insulated, waterproof jacket to keep him warm and dry while he takes on Jack Frost.
Create ambiance with flameless candles.
Excited tail wagging and playful jumping — especially when so much playtime is occurring indoors — can lead to a bumped table or candle and potentially create a fire hazard. Using bulb-lit candles can provide a safe, yet still-soothing alternative.
Look out for your pet before you leave the house.
Always take him for a walk before you go, even if dreary winter weather is making him more tired than usual (it might actually make him calmer while you’re out). Double-check that he has enough water and ensure all doors and windows are closed and locked. Leave him with a peanut butter-filled toy to give him a distraction from your absence (WARNING: be sure the peanut butter doesn’t contain Xylitol).
Ensure that electrical cords and cables are out of reach.
A pet that’s been cooped up as a result of winter weather may get curious and start looking for ways to entertain himself that he might normally avoid. So be sure to keep potential chew hazards like cords and cables tucked away from curious noses. Pet-proof cords are always a good option, or consider pet-proofing by wrapping flexible safety cable around current cords.
It may never be his favorite time of year, but fall and winter don’t have to be a total drag for your canine friend. Keep these tips in mind to keep him safe and happy as the days grow colder!
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