Meet Some of our Tiniest Kittens at the Kitten Nursery!

Not only is June Adopt a Shelter Cat Month, it’s also the BUSIEST time of year for our Kitten Nursery, Los Angeles Kitten teams and thousands of shelters nationwide. By June, Kitten Season is in full swing, and shelters are in high need of foster caregivers to help give these tiny felines the best chance at happy, healthy lives.

At the ASPCA, we’re seeing kittens in need every day! This week, some of our staff members were lucky enough to meet and give a little TLC to some of our teeniest, tiniest and cutest kittens at the ASPCA Kitten Nursery! But don’t worry, we got plenty of photos and videos to share! Take a look at some of the most adorable kittens we’ve ever seen! 

These siblings were all awaiting their spay/neuter surgeries before becoming available for adoption—look how cute they are all sleeping together!

This little kitty took an accidental dip into her water bowl but recovered like a champ!

We could just die over Kiwi’s tiny meow!

We watched siblings Alex and Bear snuggle up after lunchtime.

We asked Yvonne a very important question, and she gave us her stance on the topic.

These fluffy felines we’re coming in for their final checkup before being adopted!

If you’re interested in helping this kitten season, the ASPCA Kitten Nursery is in urgent need of Ringworm and bottle baby fosters. If you’re in the tri-state area and you’d like to help care for some adorable kitties like these, sign up here! 

If you’re in Los Angeles and want to foster kittens, sign up here! Otherwise, find a shelter near you and get more information on how you can become a foster caregiver. 

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