Sick pet: What helps

If your four-legged friend is sick, you should not access to the in-house pharmacy

Sick Pet? In the case of simple Befindlichkeitsstöconclusions köcan also pharmacist for advice

What’s wrong with Mimi? Instead of kicking around, not the cat and matt in the corner, eats, has vomited several times. In such situations, you should go to the veterinarian. Or, at least, in the pharmacy. "In the case of simple Befindlichkeitsstöof animals köwe can to the holder, within certain limits, beraten", Dr. Holger Herold, Apotheken&shy says;holder from Leipzig.

In any case, but düone rfe of his four-legged friend eigenmäpowerful drugs from the in-house pharmacy to be administered, for example, an over-the-counter pain relievers or cough suppressants. "Some für people harmless substances köcan in animals serious side effects cause, or even töSouth."

When will pet owners in the pharmacy help?

The advice are legally narrow limits ­set. "Self-d&uuml advise;a pharmacist may only to approved, non-prescription Tierarzneimitteln", erklärt Angelika Richter, Tierärztin, and a Professor at the Institute für pharmacology, pharmacy and toxicology of the Universität Leipzig. To Flea and tick products. Among other things, the pharmacist may be the right Arzneistoffstärke auswäselect the most abhäindependently from the weight of the animal.

Be used dümay the Präparate only für the animal species listed in the package leaflet. Who is it not hält the risk of a poisoning of his pet. "Many of the symptoms that can be treated in humans as a Bagatelle itself, bedümay in animals, but a professional Diagnose", the judge emphasized. Self-medication by the holder könne an effective therapy verzöand the disease worsen.

Why is it für animals often no approved finished drug products?

This has mainly economic Gründe. Veterinary medicinal products make up only around two percent of total sales of drugs, müthe same requirements erf&uuml but;cases such as Präparate für the people. Correspondingly high development costs. "For example, f&uuml are;r each target species and each disease, appropriate clinical Prüexams vorgeschrieben", erklärt Tierärztin judge.

In particular, für animals, which in Germany is less häoften held, such as goats, there is, therefore, to zu­serene drugs. There are üin General no drug für the sick animal, dümay Tierädoctors also means to prescribe, which is actually only für people are allowed.

What is the dosage?

An animal receives a drug that actually only für people allowed zun&auml turns;first, the question of appropriate dosage. "Since animals many drugs metabolize differently than humans, läthe dose of sst, not just on the weight herunterrechnen", pharmacist Herold stresses. Cats, for example, pain metabolize lactating Acetylsalicylsäure ten times slower than humans. Cardiac glycosides from the build faster.

What human medicines are für dogs and cats gefäa year?

"Especially over-the-counter pain relievers are problematisch", pharmacist Herold says. Poisoning with Acetylsalicylsäacid, Paracetamol and Diclofenac in cats are not uncommon. In dogs schäParacetamol damaged even in small quantities, the liver.

Ibuprofen and Diclofenac side effects in the gastro-intestinal tract causing massive bleeding. "Not without reason, all the pain f&uuml are subject to;r animals of the Verschreibungspflicht", Tier&auml stresses;rztin judge.

Even the breed can play a role: The medicine for diarrhea loperamide about, especially für some Hütehunde is a Problem, and since the active ingredient due to ­a genetic defect is not k&ouml mine;can.

Also anyone who thinks that to do his four-legged friend with a vegetable means something Good, can be wrong sometimes: Äfour thousand five Öle, for example, häoften in Erkäswitching means stuck f&uuml, ;perform in cats to severe poisoning. You köcan degrade the materials.

What is the role of hom&ouml play;opathische drugs?

In veterinary medicine Hom&ouml are often;opathika one, but neither the efficacy nor safety geprüft. "It is often Injektionslösolutions and Komplexpräpreparations made with several ingredients in a relatively low Verdünnung", Herold says. That Homöopathika be drug-free placebo, was therefore a misconception, stresses Richter.

What müshot pet owners with the means to withstand parasites?

Funds against ticks and Flöhe should be according to the package leaflet. Rabbit about to tolerate fipronil-containing Präparate. Permethrin-containing Flea and tick control for Aufträufeln on the neck skin dümay not be used in cats.

A cat is living in the household, better then the dog is not so treat it. Due to hästep permethrin in cats Pr&auml were poisoning;parate prescription. Vegetable parasites in medium with äessential Ölen are für cats unsuitable. Furthermore, according to the Tierärztin judge no zuverläsingle-level protection.

How can the veterinary medicinal product to best administer it?

The äußvariable application is the easiest way, for example in the Form of Halsbächange or Lösolutions to Aufträufeln. As active ingredients of Flea and means Ticks will be absorbed through the skin, you should wear gloves and then grüof course, the Hände wash.

"Children should animal in the first days after the Application is not intensive with your in-house kuscheln", warns the Tierärztin. When taking medications, especially cats do not play with often. Judge Council: "The oral administration should show every animal owner by the veterinarian and erklären."

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